167 - The Colosseum

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So what happens when your girlfriend is kidnapped and so you come with a rescue squad of yanderes?

"Intruders!" A hawk winged person screamed. "For Azeroth!"

You throw stealth out of the window.

We stormed through the clouds and past the buildings, alerting all of the hawk people. Unlike the one I threatened these guys pulled out weapons such as maces, swords, and others and started to rush us.

I summoned Loki into his staff form, slamming it against the face of the first approaching one. They fell on their back, softly hitting into the cloud, before I morphed Loki into a knife and stabbed through one his eyes and into his brain.

"I thought you said no killing?" Yui smirked, throwing a knife from her pocket at someone.

"Yeah, I changed my mind." I replied. "These guys are clearly loyal to Azeroth, and this fucking demon king has gotten on my bad side."

"Works for me." Amber grinned, cracking her knuckles.

Amber raced forwards, slamming her fist into a hawk person's staff. The hawk person held the weight of the punch, but wasn't prepared for Amber's second punch straight to the stomach. The hawk person stumbled back, blood leaking from their stomach.

Amber's gauntlets had spikes on them and they hurt. With another punch right to the head of the hawk person, they were officially deceased.

Bianca and Aoi nodded at each other, formulating a plan with just their eyes. They rushed forwards together, Bianca freezing the top of the cloud with her staff. Aoi slid across the ice at quick speeds, cutting hawk people in half before they had a chance to block.

"Take them out!" A hawk person cried, flying into the sky and holding a flag of a blue crown with two blue fiery horns on each side. "For our king!"

"No, shut up." I replied, morphing Loki back into a staff. I held him up, aiming him towards the flying hawk man. A green beam of fire blazed from my staff, instantly going through and vaporizing the hawk person.

These pests are just annoying.

"Here!" Yui smiled, holding her staff out. A light glow surrounded Amber as the cut on her face healed. Meanwhile Bianca and Aoi continued to slice through the hawk people, leaving them in halves and thirds.

Quite the gory sight. I'd make me puke, if I actually gave a fuck.

"Run!" A hawk person screamed, attempting to flee. Unfortunately for her, it was cut short as a metal gauntlet burst through her chest.

The message was still sent pretty well, if not even better, because many of the hawk people attempted to flee, flying high into the sky and away from us. Not all of them though, and those that stayed died in wake of the yandere force.

Don't mess with yanderes. Haven't people learned this by now? Maybe the good old Council can learn a thing before my yanderes decide to usurp them.

"That was easy." Yui grinned. "And these are supposed to be the troops of a Demon King?"

"I wouldn't underestimate them." Amber warned. "Remember that one guy that got us into this situation in the first place? He's one of four."

"Azeroth....dangerous." Aoi stated.

Bianca raised an eyebrow.

"Heard things...from Lupercio..." Aoi continued.

"So Lupercio knew Azeroth, and considers him dangerous..." I frowned. Egak, that stupid alternate me, was fairly strong. What about the other four?

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! [Volume 2]Where stories live. Discover now