139 - A Historic Discovery

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Erica, Irene and I all stood in the elevator. Irene pressed the button, the elevator starting to descend. Lily was currently placing Xena in a guest room and staying with her so she doesn't freak out upon awaking.

The elevator doors opened. We exited, now in the Research and Development basement floor. I've been here before, but not many times.

We passed the glass walls where you could see the scientists working. We walked down the hallway, entering a room with a very large computer set up.

The main monitor was the size of a tv, with multiple more computer-sized monitors on the sides.

"Usb." Irene stated.

I tossed it to her. She caught it in her hand, plugging it into the computer. The files immediately popped up onto the computer.

"Click that one." Erica stated. "Arcana Analysis #1."

Irene clicked on it, a written paragraph popping up on the screen.

"For some strange reason we haven't been able to identity the Arcana of Experiment X." Irene read. "We also haven't been able to get a lock on her Arcana's Rank. It may be our outdated equipment, but I believe that something else is going on."

"Weird..." Erica muttered. "Try the next one."

Irene clicked on Arcana Analysis #2, reciting the passage. "We have made an incredible discovery. The reason why our equipment isn't working to analyze Experiment X's Arcana is because it can't. The Arcana is too powerful."

"It's innate power is stronger than any other Arcana that I have seen. Strong enough that this machine won't even read it. It's at least S Rank...but maybe even more." Irene continued.

"I am continuing to analyze the data I have acquired from the blood of Experiment X. If what I'm theorizing is true, then we've made history." Irene finished.

"Do you...really think?" Erica muttered. "An Arcana stronger than an S Rank?"

"I do believe it is possible for a rank above S." Irene stated. "However, I don't know if this will be it."

Irene clicked onto the final Arcana Analysis. "We have made history." She read. "We have unlocked the first Arcana above an S Rank."

"We're not sure how exactly these circumstances led to this, but we theorize the combination of an early awakening and a strong child is what allowed this." She continued.

"However, we theorize that the chance for the Arcana to be above S Rank is at least a one-in-a-million. We're not completely sure, but you could say it was a miracle it happened." We followed the passage.

"This will change everything. The Du Lac's will make history and become one of the strongest, if not the strongest power in the world with Experiment X. She is quite literally one of a kind. No one's Arcana will match to hers. With training, she will become the strongest person alive. In her honor, we're calling this new discovery the X Rank." Irene finished.

"This is crazy." Erica stated. She turned to Irene. "I don't trust those scientists. Can you confirm this?"

"I'll be able to analyze her." Irene stated. "And without taking blood, our equipment isn't as outdated as theirs. I'll wait until tomorrow, however." Irene stated.

"Thank you." I nodded.

No doubt Xena wouldn't want to have any more analyzing done on her. But if I let her know it will be alright and no blood will be taken, I think it will be fine.

"Now then." Irene stated. "I have been doing some analyzing of my own, and I want to do an experiment. I'll need your help, Ken."

"Is this something dangerous?" I asked.

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