148 - Johnson

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"Oh...uh..." I glanced towards Irene, trying to think up of an excuse as to why there was a beaten up girl on the floor. "...drugs."

"...really?" Principal deadpanned. "That was the best you could think of?"

"I didn't expect you to appear, okay?" I sighed.

"Now, seriously, tell me what the hell is going on." Principal demanded. "I want to know why I felt that surge of power and why there's a beaten up student on the floor!"

Lightning flashed across the window, the thunder booming from outside.

"And why is there a thunderstorm!" Principal yelled. "It was just clear!"

Irene looked away.

"Oh my god." Principal sighed, rubbing her face. "Explain. Now. Before you get into even more trouble."

"It's a...long story. That I need to tell to everyone." I stated.

"..." Principal sighed. "Short version."

"She's his ex, a pest that needed to be exterminated." Irene stated.

"...you had an ex?" Principal looked towards me in surprise. "Since when?"

"Yeah...that's uh, when it gets difficult." I stated.

"I have called the others over." Irene added, looking over to us. "You are going to explain everything."

Since when did you move to Principal's side?!

"And I especially want to know about you dying twice, which you've never mentioned before..." Irene added, her eyes narrowing as she gave me an upset gaze.

"You...what?" Principal looked towards me. "I'm tempted to just look through your memories at this point."

"Please don't." I pleaded.

"Then you better explain once they get here." Principal stated.

The door slammed open again as Iris, Erica, Lily, Yui, Bianca, and Amber appeared.

"Don't slam open the doors." Principal stated.

"But you did that too." Irene pointed out.

"This is my school, I make the rules." She replied.

"Tyrant." Iris muttered.

"What?" Principal glanced towards Iris.

"Nothing!" Iris nervously laughed, looking away.

"So...what's up?" Amber asked. "The message seemed urgent."

"Principal." I said. "I know you have that memory Tier. Do you have a Tier which allows other people to see them?"

"...kind of." Principal stated. "I call it Projection. I can project a vision into the real world as an illusion. That can include memories."

"Why don't we have that ability..." Loki muttered. "I'm the God of Trickery, damn it."

"Used to be." Medea snickered.

"Don't you dare!" Loki growled. "I will come over there and beat you up! These hands are rated E for everyone!"

"Try me." Medea laughed.

"Damn you!" Loki yelled, the two retreating into excess of my mind.

Ignoring them, I nodded towards Principal. "It would be a lot easier if you could do that."

"Alright then." Principal nodded. She walked over, placing her hand on my shoulder:

"I'm getting worried. What's going on?" Erica asked.

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! [Volume 2]Where stories live. Discover now