179 - The End Of The Queen's Reign

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Erica and I stood at attention as Azeroth's head landed back upon her body. It had suddenly launched into the air, and I realized what was going to happen.

You have to be kidding me. She's going to get revived?

I gripped Loki in my hand, keeping him up and ready. Erica had Excalibur up as well, waiting defensively as Azeroth's head started to connect back to her neck. As it finished reattaching, the wounds on her stomach were the next to disappear.

And then she opened her eyes, two glowing blue clocks staring straight towards us, before the clocks faded and revealed her darker, normal blue eyes.

She patted her stomach in confusion for a moment. "Good thing I had that countermeasure...that little bitch tried to steal my power with those katanas. And she got a decent portion of it too." She mumbled to herself.

She looked back up at us. "I have been fighting for so long for this moment. I have grown so powerful that I defy death. And yet still..."

She attempted to summon her Arcana, but nothing appeared in her hand. She desperately shook her arm, but her sword would not reappear again.

"She took the only thing I had left...the one good thing from that wretched goddess." She grit her teeth in a sorrowful frustration.

She clenched her fist, thrusting it to the side. A portal opened up beside her, from which she started to pull out a large greatsword. I could feel the power radiating off of it from here.

"You've seen my whole life, Ken. You know what this is." Azeroth spoke.

Shit. Her first Arcana. Just like Xena, forcibly awakened when she was young. But it's not the same. I remembered something about her sealing it away, but with her pulling it out in front of me, it was hard to think.

"X Rank. Chronos." She whispered, fully pulling it out.

She rushed towards us with a mighty yell. Erica dashed towards her, rolling out of the way of her long sword. It crashed into the ground, giving Erica an opening.

Azeroth let go of the weapon, dodged Erica's strike, and then gripped the weapon once more. She threw it up and out of the ground as if it was a paper weight, swinging it quickly at Erica, who blocked it.

I dashed at them, clashing Loki against Azeroth as she turned to me. Erica and I proceeded to attack from both sides, but Azeroth managed to deflect or block every strike.

You'd think she'd be slower with that large sword!

But if I can get close, I can do this. While she was focused on Erica, I rushed forwards with my axe. Azeroth looked towards me, moving her sword to block my strike. As our weapons got close to touching, I immediately morphed Loki into a gun, ducking under her sword and pointing it to her chest.

She stumbled backwards, looking down at the hole within her chest. It started to bleed, leaving Azeroth to slightly stagger.

Erica walked back to my side, watching Azeroth as she started to speak.

She looked back up, her eyes connecting with mine. "Why? Why can't you just be mine?"

"I'm not your Ken, Azeroth." I replied. "And as I've said, I never will be."

"It's not fair..." She dropped her sword and gripped at her head. "Why do they get you, and I can't...I tried so many times...so many times! 627 times! I waited 627 years, to see the man you'd become in every single timeline. And it was never right."

"But this one was different! So why!" Tears started to stream down her eyes.

Different, huh? Because part of me is from another world.

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