143 - End Of Year One

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Adopting Xena wasn't that hard. Once we filled out the paperwork and Irene handled the legal stuff then she was officially the daughter of Ken Kage and Lily Akuma.

It was probably easy since Irene is the first princess of the Aegis family, but it certainly helped.

Once we adopted Xena, the first and only issue we had was what would her last name be. She never had a last name in the orphanage records and now it was inbetween Kage and Akuma.

Lily was all for letting Xena have my last name, but I know that Xena adored Lily so I asked what Xena wanted.

Xena Akuma Kage.

That is her full name now. She wanted both names, but instead of doing the two last names with a dash we decided it would be easier if we made one of the names her middle name. Then we decided that Lily's last name would be her middle name, since when the girls marry their last name will become Kage.

And since Lily and I are now the parents of Xena and are in a position that (usually) a married couple holds, we did have our "honeymoon" not long after. I was surprised with how bold Lily was when she approached me...

Anyways, I was now officially was a parent. Sure, technically Hel and Fenrir counted as my children since they considered me their father as well, but that wasn't official, not in the way that Xena was.

Xena was actually recognized by the government as my adopted daughter, while Hel and Fenrir don't exist to the government.

Also, Hel was thrilled to have a little sister. Xena wasn't so much at having an elder sister, but after some bonding time they became close.

She was also surprised when she found out she had an older brother who was a wolf. She also quickly warmed up to him after he gave her a couple licks in his mini-pup wolf form.

Xena also got along well with the other girls. While she wasn't as close to them as she was with Lily, Hel, Fenrir, and I, she still liked all of them and got along. I didn't expect her to make any good bonds for a while...she was scarred and it would take time.

Obviously now as her father I had to make sure she was alright. I didn't straight-up ask her about her trauma, all though she had it. Though I deduced through analysis what I think she was going through.

She was afraid to become close to people. After what had happened to her friends that was completely understandable. That's why she was incredibly shy and it was hard for her to get along with most.

However, when Lily and I saved her from those that killed her friends, we in turn not only gained her unwavering trust and admiration, but also proof we could handle ourselves.

We were stronger than her friends that died.

Fenrir and Hel also proved this through being literal mythological beings, which allowed them to quickly become close. Also, Fenrir is a cute puppy wolf in that form.

It'll take time for her to heal, and then I think she'll really start to bond with the others. Especially when she sees how strong they actually are...

Shortly after that Legacy High started back up again for its final months before the end of the school year. I got to see Kai again, who thankfully was okay after the events of "Excalibur Day".

And it was now March. Over the last couple of months nothing major happened, and no more assassins had attacked me.

I wasn't sure whether it was because of the earlier ones which never came back, or if it was because they were planning something. I just knew that the bounty was still up, and thus I still needed to be on guard.

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