177 - Loop

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And after that overload of information, I was back in the Colosseum. Azeroth was no longer under me, now clashing blades with Erica. She noticed I had opened my eyes, and quickly kicked Erica away.

"My Ken...are you back?" She hopefully asked.

"I am." I smiled. "Xena."

"Ken?!" Loki and Medea shouted.

Azeroth looked towards me, before suddenly clutching her face in her hands with a vicious growl. She started to laugh, and I cautiously watched as she started to maniacally laugh.

"I can't believe you..." She laughed, an edge in her voice. "To trick me like that!"

"You saw through that quickly." I sighed.

Loki, you ready?

"Let's do this." Loki grinned.

"Careful." Medea spoke. "Something is different about her."

Divine Shift.

I felt power rush into me once again as the shadows climbed around my body. As I clenched my fists, green lightning burst around me once more as my eyes glowed a deadly green.

Azeroth looked at me differently, walking forwards with an incredibly serious face compared to what we had seen from her so far. In an instant she had appeared in front of me with a fist heading for my face.

I caught her hand, and then caught her next kick with my other hand. She suddenly jumped up, flipping over me and twisting my arms. I ended up letting go of her, allowing her to grip me from behind and throw me with incredible force.

I slammed into the wall of the Colosseum, a crater forming behind me with cracks crawling across the walls.

Azeroth quickly turned around, summoning her black sword and blocking Erica's swing. I regathered myself, planting my feet into the ground, before blasting forwards in an explosion of green fire.

Azeroth turned to see my fist, and barely caught it while still holding off Erica with one hand on her sword. I flipped over her like Azeroth had just done with me, holding tightly onto her hand.

Planting my feet onto the ground on her other side, I pulled her over and slammed her into the ground. I slammed an electrifying fist into her head before shortly getting kicked off.

She sprung herself back up, barely dodging another slice from Erica. The two of them clashed, sparks flying from their blades as they pressed against each other.

Erica's blade started to glow a bright white, with Azeroth gritting her teeth in frustration as she realized Erica would seriously injure her from using that ability this close.

She backed away, before suddenly looking around as she realized she couldn't find me. She suddenly turned around, looking at me in furious anger as I appeared behind her, swinging my sword right at her neck.

This one would hit.

. . .

Azeroth quickly turned around, summoning her black sword and blocking Erica's swing. I regathered myself, planting my feet into the ground, before blasting forwards in an explosion of green fire.

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! [Volume 2]Where stories live. Discover now