154 - The Yanderes Have A Sleepover

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(Erica POV)

I wasn't exactly sure how we got here. I currently sat in a circle with Irene, Iris, Yui, Lily, Amber, Bianca, and Aoi. All of us were in pajamas, together in Iris' room.

"Why are we having the meeting here...?" I asked.

"Bonding session!" Iris happily clapped her hands together.

"You just wanted an excuse for a sleepover, didn't you?" Lily sighed.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about..." Iris innocently whistled.

"By the way, why is Aoi here?" Lily nodded towards the blue-haired and red-eyed scythe wielder. "Not that I don't want you here, Aoi."

"We are officially inducting Aoi into the Cult of Loki." Irene stated. "She completed initiation, and has formally requested to join as a Sister."

"Figures..." Lily replied. "That womanizer can make women swoon at the drop of a hat."

"Yes, and that's part of why we all love him." Iris smiled.

"Anyways, welcome Aoi." Irene stated. "You are now a Sister."

"Thank you, Irene." Aoi bowed.

Bianca patted Aoi's head, seemingly happy about her joining the Cult.

"So...what now?" I asked.

Before anybody could answer anything, the door slammed open as Merlin stood there, heavily panting. She quickly cleared her throat, before pointing at us.

"Big Sis Merlin is here! I can't believe you all decided to have a sleepover without me!" She pouted.

"..." We all stared at her.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you would have wanted to join." Iris apologetically smiled.

"Well, I've never done it before." Merlin stated, closing the door behind her and joining the circle. "You know, being stuck in a tower for thousands of years and all. Hey, where are Xena and Ken? I didn't see them on the way in."

"Xena's asleep." Lily informed her.

"And Ken is doing something with a book." I stated.

"What?" Merlin asked.

I only shrugged my shoulders in response. He seemed really excited about it though, so I wouldn't bother him right now.

"So...what now?" Yui asked, repeating my earlier question.

"First!" Merlin yelled, tapping herself. Her clothing turned into a white bathrobe with purple lining. "I need to get into gear."

"You can change with magic?!" Iris exclaimed. "That's so cool!"

"Thank you, thank you." Laughed Merlin. "One of the few magical things I can still do."

"Are you wearing anything under there?" Amber asked.

"I don't know. Want to find out?" Merlin winked.

"No thanks." Amber sweatdropped.

"Well then! I assume this is everybody's first sleepover?" Merlin asked.

Everybody nodded.

"Fortunate I did some research." Merlin grinned to herself.

How did you even have the time to research when you just found out about this...?

"We should talk about our crushes..." Merlin giggled.

"There's a small problem with that..." Lily sweatdropped. "We're all in love with the same man."

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! [Volume 2]Where stories live. Discover now