127 - The Arthurson Complication

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Immediately I was on edge. The fact that there were tears in her eyes alarmed me. Not to mention I'm not completely sure that she has a good relationship with her parents.

After all, what kind of parent forces their kid to pretend to be another gender? No good one, that's for sure.

"Hey, it's okay." I said, placing my hand on her shoulder. "I'm guessing you don't want to go."

"No..." Erica whimpered. "What if...what if they don't let me come back...? I don't want to go Ken...I don't want to leave you..."

"And you won't. Not if you don't want to." I smiled. "It's alright."

"But...I have to go..." Erica cried as tears ran down her eyes. "They're forcing me..."

I pulled her into me, letting her cry into my chest. I didn't know what was going on, but it was obvious Erica didn't want to go, yet felt she had to.

This left us with two choices. One, she ignores her parents. Two, I go with her to America. And make sure that she returns. I'll do some "convincing" if needed.

She continued to cry as I rubbed her back before it died down, leaving only light sniffles. I pushed her slightly back, taking her head off of my chest.

She looked up at me, allowing me to wipe the tears from her eyes. I leaned down, planting a small kiss on her mouth.

"Hey. No matter what, it'll be okay. I don't know what your relationship with your parents are, but I won't let them take you away from me if that's what they're trying to do." I smiled.

"...you promise?" Erica slowly asked.

"I promise." I nodded.

"Alright...my...my relationship with my parents is a little...rough." Cringed Erica. "As I've told you, they made me pretend to be a boy..."

"They...they wanted a boy. My parents are old-fashioned, and believe their heir has to be a man." She stated.

"They had a lot of trouble getting my mother pregnant." She continued. "So when they finally did and it was a girl...they weren't exactly thrilled."

"And since they possibly couldn't get her pregnant again, they raised me as a boy." She stated.

"Old-fashioned, huh? I think this is more than just being old-fashioned." I replied.

"Yeah...they're quite strict." Erica awkwardly rubbed her arm. "My parents...have a lot of problems. So I'm afraid if they're making me go back they won't let me come back to Japan."

"And...and I can't...I love you Ken...I don't want them to take me away..." She sniffled.

"Hey, it'll be alright. I promise." I repeated my earlier words. "Look, there are two ways we can go forward with this. You ignore their order and stay here, or you go and I go with you so we can convince them to let you come back."

"Either way, I don't plan on letting you go so easily." I smirked.

"Geez, Ken." Erica blushed, lightly elbowing me in the stomach. "You're making me blush."

"Well, that's my job. As your boyfriend." I replied.

"So we're official now?" Erica hopefully asked.

"You and I love each other, and Irene has accepted it. So if you want to..." I stated.

"Yes!" Erica grinned. "Please!"

"Then I'll make sure you stay with me, my girlfriend." I smiled.

Erica shivered, a blush on her face. "Oh, hearing you call me girlfriend is so much better than I could have ever imagined..."

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