168 - Love Is War

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I blocked the swing at my neck with my armored hand, gripping into Excalibur and keeping the sword from cutting straight into me.

"Erica, it's m-" I started to say, before a fist of white slammed into my face, sending me flying backwards.

"Ken!" The girls cried from above.

I crashed into the ground, rolling out of the way as Erica slammed her sword into the ground against me, almost stabbing straight through my chest.

This can't be happening.

I quickly scrambled to my feet, dodging Erica's swing. My own girlfriend was attempting to kill me.

"Erica!" I yelled at her. "It's me! Ken!"

All I received in response was another swing which I barely avoided.

"You're not getting through to her!" Loki grimaced.

"You're going to have to fight her." Medea stated.

"Erica!" I yelled at her once more.

She didn't listen. Maybe she couldn't hear me. She raised her sword above her, swinging it down towards me. I brought Loki up as a sword, blocking her attack, only for a kick to slam into my stomach and send me hurtling backwards again.

She's even faster than before.

My back slammed against the wall of the colosseum as the crowds cheered in excitement. I dodged Erica's fist, which impacted the wall and sent cracks sprawling down it.

She's gotten a serious power boost, and she was already strong. This is horrible.

I can't fight her.

Erica swung once more at me, which I only narrowly avoided by rolling out of the way, but Erica quickly recovered from her swing with an impressive spinning move, sending another swing down towards my head.

I blocked it once again with my sword, now on my knees as she placed pressure down onto me. Cracks spread from under my feet as I strained to hold against Erica.

"Ken! You need to fight!" Medea shouted.

How can I fight my own girlfriend?!

Erica pushed against me harder.

"Ken!" The girls above cried out.

I growled, grunting as I started to push upwards against Erica, slowly pushing her sword back before pushing her off of me and jumping back, giving me some room.

Erica recovered her footing, gripping her blade with two hands as it started to glow a bright white.

"Shit." I muttered.

"Ken! You have to fight her!" Yui yelled.

Bianca and Aoi nodded in succession.

Erica swung her sword, a blinding white blast flying towards me. I rolled out of the way, feeling the bottom of my cape get singed. I scrambled to my feet and quickly ducked as Erica's sword flew over my head.

"She's strong Ken! She can take it!" Amber screamed. "Fight!"

I looked into Erica's helmet, only seeing myself reflected back upon the shiny, white armor.

I placed my hands into the ground, flipping backwards and landing on my feet. I dodged her next swing, before catching the following with my free, armored hand.

"Come on Erica, listen to me!" I yelled at her, trying to get through.

She just pushed her sword against me. I felt as the sword started to cut through my armor, and soon it'd reach my bare hand. I morphed Loki into a blunt bat, slamming it across Erica's helmet.

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