164 - Demon King Beelzebub

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Alright, we can cross World 5 off of the list. It's taking forever to go through these worlds. Who knows how long it will be for Bianca, and for the others back in our own world.

Luckily as soon as I arrive in a world a bunch of people usually appear shortly afterwards in fear. Usually I can get them to spit if they know a Bianca Tsuki or not, and if one exists in the world. It's easier with the modern ones.

Anyways, onto another one. I opened a portal to a random world, stepping through. I have no idea where I'm going, I just have to keep searching until I find her.

And nothing will stop me. Nobody will stop me.

I stepped out of the portal, into an interesting landscape. It honestly reminded me of Hel's world, Niflheim. The ground was a red and black, barren rock. High above there was a ceiling, with rocky spikes hanging from all the way up. Also reminds me of a certain blocky world. I feel like this is what Hell would look like.

"Something's approaching!" Medea warned.

I looked into the distance, where something rocketed towards me, before landing down in front of me. Dusting off his clothes, it was a man with short brown hair and a white robe detailed with an ice dragon and a fiery fly. He stared at me with his heterochromiac eyes, one red and one blue.

"He's strong...stronger than that other you..." Loki stated.

"Why have you come to this world?" He spoke.

"I'm looking for someone. Bianca Tsuki, long white hair with blue eyes, stunningly beautiful. Could you lead me to her?" I asked.

He looked at me for a moment. "...she was fighting someone..." I heard him mutter under his breath.

"Sorry, I don't know of one." He stated.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He's obviously lying. Why is he lying? Why is he hiding Bianca from me? He's lying, right Loki.

"Yeah, he lied." Loki agreed.

"Cut the shit." I glared. "I know she's here. Give her back and It'll make this easier for the both of us."

"I told you, she isn't here." He replied.

"Hm." I sighed. "Well, it was nice to meet you..?"

"Demon King Beelzebub." He stated.

I tensed up. He's a demon king. And he's hiding Bianca from me. He's dangerous.

He needs to die.

I immediately summoned Loki, shooting a fiery bullet without warning. Before the bullet even left the barrel he moved out of the way, quickly approaching me with incredible speed.

His fist came out from his robe, hurtling straight towards my face. I summoned my armor as I caught his fist with an armored hand. I stared at his hand, it wasn't human. It looked to be demonic, looking very similar to the ground with its red and black spiky and rough structure.

His other, human fist came towards my face. I ducked under it, morphing Loki into a spear and stabbing it forwards. He moved out of the way before I had even thrusted forwards, kicking me to the side.

I felt myself fly through the air, crashing into the ground. I twisted myself, digging my feet back into the ground to get up. In the distance, I watched as two wings sprouted out from behind Beelzebub, one white with feathers, another black and like a bat's.

He flew through the air at supersonic speeds, a crater left where he was just standing. I morphed Loki into a shield, blocking his fist. It slammed into the shield, pushing me backwards.

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