149 - The Cult's Shenanigans

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(Irene POV)

I was very, very pissed. So were the other Sisters.

We were currently in the main base of The Cult Of Loki, Base W. I dragged the unconscious girl by her hair, heading towards our jail.

"Uh...Ma'am...?" Asked the Cultist guarding the jail. "Our first prisoner...?"

"Yes." I smiled. "She tried to hurt him."

"I see..." The guard's eyes dulled. "Take any room."

"Is there a good one for...torture?" I asked.

"Yes." The guard nodded. "We have an empty room with one chair. You can chain here there, and it has a one-way window so you can watch from outside while she's tortured from within. We also have a storage for different instruments."

"Perfect." I felt a grin form on my face. "Please take her there."

"Okay." The guard nodded, grabbing her by the foot and dragging her away.

I'd get back to her in a moment. However, first I needed to check up on a couple things. The other Sisters are currently waiting in our war room.

I entered the war room, the other Sisters sat down. Erica, Iris, Lily, Yui, Amber, and Bianca all were sitting down.

"Hey Lily, did you get...larger?" Erica asked, glancing towards her chest.

I never noticed before, but Lily's previously almost nonexistent boobs were actually pushing her shirt forwards a little. She had finally gotten a growth spurt, I suppose.

"Oh! Y-yeah, I did..." Lily trailed off, going red as she thought of something.

"Unfair." Yui muttered.

I walked to the head seat, sitting down.

"Did you deliver her?" Erica asked, shifting her attention to me.

"I did." I replied. "And we'll deal with her in a moment. We have a couple things first..."

"Oh, this will be fun~" Yui giggled darkly.

"Diane." I called out.

The door opened, Diane walking inside. She was short, blindfolded, with blond twin tails. She was the leader of Team Alpha.

"How long was she waiting there?" Lily sweatdropped.

"How is the training going?" I asked.

"Great." Diane nodded. "Many have become pretty efficient with their Arcanas. They aren't on the level of a Second-Year yet, but getting close."

"That's good progress." Iris commented.

"What's our progress with influence?" I asked.

"Greatly increased." Diane smiled. "We've spread across most of Japan now. We've also set up our second base, Base B. Sophia is currently heading that base."

"That's good." Lily stated. "I trust Sophia."

"Lily, you will be the one handling most of the contact with Base B along with Diane. You're the closest to Sophia." I stated.

"Alright." Lily nodded.

"We've also expanded our influence to Philadelphia in America." Diane stated. "Thanks to Sister Erica. They're currently working on inducting members and making Base A."

"Good." I nodded. I looked towards Erica. "It was smart to expand our influence over there."

"Well, I figured I might as well make use of the former Du Lac Family." Erica smiled. "You don't have to worry. They are completely loyal."

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