134 - Experiment X

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(Lily POV)

The vent door cluttered to the ground as I landed down. The two scientists looked towards me in shock and fear. Hassan manifested in my hand.

I stabbed the second one one in the leg, kicking them to the ground. She screamed as she clutched her leg. I quickly turned around and stabbed the first scientist in the eye.

He screamed, before the knife went deep enough and he went slack. I grabbed the usb that the man had, pocketing it before looking towards the second scientist.

"What are you doing?!" She screeched. "That's our work!"

"This...is disgusting." I spat at her, not even bothering to switch to my broken English. "Experimenting on children...you should be horrified."

I stabbed her again the leg, making her scream. I wanted to torture her more, make her really regret this. But I had to get this girl out of here.

I stabbed the scientist in the heart, letting her eyes go blank as she quickly died. I stood up, walking over to the girl who started to freak out.

Tears streamed down her eyes. She would have screamed, if it wasn't for the clasp they had around her mouth. I raised my knife, before cutting the clasp around her mouth.

It clattered to the ground, making the girl look at me surprised. "Are you alright?" I asked.

"Y...yah." She slowly said. "W-who are you?"

Wait, she speaks Japanese, and understands it too! That's interesting.

"My name is Lily." I smiled. "I'm here to get you out of here."

"W-what about the others?" She asked.

"They're out." I told her. "Well...but not the ones you know."

"Did...did any of them survive?" She slowly asked.

"No...they didn't." I sadly said, cutting the rest of her restraints and letting her free.

I got a closer look at her. She was probably about ten, she was cute with black and blue hair and beautiful blue eyes. Her eyes were red from crying.

"W-why...?" She weakly asked, starting to cry. "Why did they do this to us? Why me?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I whispered, hugging her. I felt terrible. I could have saved some of her friends. But then...who knows how long it would be to take down the Du Lac's.

And how many more lives they would ruin in the process. I still hated myself for not doing anything, despite my reasoning.

"What they did was terrible." I whispered to her. "But know that your friends would have wanted you to survive."

"B-but...it shouldn't have been me." She whimpered.

"Why?" I asked.

"W-what?" She replied confused, looking up at me with teary eyes.

I think I felt motherly instincts kick in.

"There is nothing that makes you different from your friends." I told her. "If it was someone else, then would be happy. And they would have this same guilt."

"There's nothing wrong with it." I continued. "But know, it's not your fault. Your friends are happy you get a chance to live. It's not your fault."

I gestured to the dead scientists. "It's their fault. And today, it will all be over. They'll never hurt anyone again."

"I...I want to help." She whispered, wiping her tears.

I don't want a ten year old fighting.

"We'll see." I smiled at her. I picked her up, carrying her in a princess carry. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "You want to get out of here?"

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