151 - My Second Year Starts

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"Papa!" A faint voice entered my ears. I groaned, shifting under the covers. A sudden weight slammed onto my stomach, though it didn't hurt.

Oh no.

I slowly opened my eyes to see the face of Xena staring into my eyes. I smiled lightly at her. "What's up?"

"I wanted to see you! I don't want you to go." Xena pouted.

I sat up, Xena now sitting in my lap. I stroked her head with my hand, giving her a small smile.

"I'm sorry." I told her. "I have to go to school, like you will."

"But I don't want to." Xena pouted. "I want to be with Papa and Mama."

"You will." I replied. "But later today. I promise I'll play with you today, okay?"

"Pinky promise?" Asked Xena, poking her pinky finger out and pointing it towards me.

"Of course." I smiled, hooking my own pinkie with hers. "You go head to breakfast. I'll be there in a moment."

"Okay!" Happily smiled Xena, getting off of me and skipping out of my room.

I let go of a deep breath I was holding, sighing in relief. The covers shuffled under me as Lily popped her head out, hair disheveled and eyes closed. She let out a yawn, and I found my eyes drawn to her mouth.

"Thank goodness she didn't notice you..." I sighed.

"Why?" Lily asked, rubbing her eyes before opening them.

"I'd rather not scar my daughter." I replied.

"Right...that'd be embarrassing." Lily nodded, stretching her body. The covers fell off of her, revealing her naked skin to the room. Her medium-sized breasts hung free in the open.

That's not why I didn't want her to see, but okay.

"I'll meet you at breakfast." I stated, getting out of bed. I pulled on a pair of underwear, before getting on my school uniform. "You should get there before me so Irene and Erica don't get jealous."

The girls are always competing each other, and that includes when it comes to my bed.

"Alright." Lily nodded. She pulled on her pajamas which were strewn across the floor, before sneakily exiting the room. "But I bet Irene knows. She always knows."

One month has passed since the end of the School Year, and now the first day of my Second-Year starts today.

Over this month Rose has disappeared. We tracked down her house, and she was nowhere to be seen; the house was completely empty.

She hasn't appeared since, and Irene suspects that she's using the Assassin League to hide. Which is unfortunate, considering despite Irene's year long search she still hasn't found their homebase.

We'll have to wait for Rose to make a move, and I hated that. I should have just hugged her when I found out she was my reincarnated sister.

I need to have a protagonist talk with her or something. Or maybe Irene can, with how good she is at speeches. Rose hates her though, so maybe not the best idea.

No more Assassins from the Assassin League have approached me yet, and I can't help but think that they are planning something. Or maybe I just scared them off by killing the earlier ones after my head.

Either way, I've been preparing myself. I've been training with both Loki and Medea, but I haven't made a breakthrough with either of them. For now, I've unfortunately hit a roadblock.

And I'd rather not release the seals if possible, with how my soul is already in a fragile state. I used it twice in a fairly small time-range, so a third could permanently destroy my soul.

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