172 - The Arrival Of Azeroth

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(Yui POV)

Iris and I were visiting my mother, who was still, unfortunately, stuck in her coma. She looked much better than before; Erica's use of Avalon definitely helped.

But she was still unconscious. She was moved to the hospital for the best support, but even the doctors and healers here were stumped. All we could do was wait.

"Thanks for coming with me." I told Iris as we walked through the hallway of the hospital. "It hurts...seeing her like that."

"I can only imagine." Iris replied. "My whole life I've had my mother by my side. To not have that...it's horrible."

Iris placed her hand on my shoulder. "She'll get better. I know she will."

"...thank you." I smiled.

"Have you tried using your own healing on her?" Iris asked.

"Of course." I replied. "That didn't do anything."

"I wonder what possibly could've happened..." Iris stated. "...if that poison made it here, imagine what people could use it for."

"I don't really want to." I shook my head as we approached the vending machine at the end of the hallway. "Let's just be glad that it's not over here."

"What do you want?" Iris asked.

"I'd like one of those." I pointed at a snack in the top left of the machine. "You sure about this? I can pay for myself."

"It's fine." Iris smiled. "It's just a couple yen."

No, you're just rich.

Iris grabbed us both a snack from the vending machine, and we started to eat them as we headed back to my mother's hospital room.

Upon making it back we entered the room, where my Dad was dead asleep on the chair next to my mother's bed, bags under his eyes. He's been here so often ever since she got back, determined to see his wife wake up again.

I looked at Iris. Something had been nagging at my mind for a while...but I was afraid to tell everyone yet.

But, I have to tell them eventually. Iris...would be a good start.

"Hey...can I talk to you about something?" I asked Iris.

"Of course." Iris replied.

"I'm thinking I'm going to focus more on my Idol career again." I stated. "I've been taking a break, having fun with you all, but being an Idol is my dream. Once all of this over, I plan to do that."

"Does that mean you're leaving?" Iris asked.

"No..." I replied. "But I won't be here as much. When I do concerts I'll be traveling around."

"I see..." Iris looked away. My heart pounded, wracked with guilt and worry. "We'll miss you while you're gone, but I'm glad."


"You're...glad?" I asked.

"I'm glad you're deciding to do what you want to do." Iris smiled. "I've listened to some of your songs, you know. You have a beautiful voice."

"Oh, thank you." I did a mock-bow. "I'll still attend Legacy High, but I'll be putting more work into my idol career. I'm feeling inspired again."

"That's good." Iris nodded. "I'm excited for your new work."

We looked at each other and started to smile. I should've known that I could count on Iris, count on the rest of them. My worries seem silly now.

"Oh shit." Iris suddenly spoke, catching me off guard with the language.

"What?" I looked at her.

She just pointed to my mother. My mother, who was now violently shaking in her bed.

"Mom?!" I jumped to my feet and was about to rush over when suddenly her mouth opened wide, but instead of a scream, instead a blue beam of light blasted from her mouth and through the ceiling.

Iris and I watched in mute shock as she convulsed under the beam for a couple seconds, before the beam disappeared and my mother relaxed on the bed. In the ceiling was now a hole to outside, and when looking through it you could see a large, blue portal covering the sky.

"What the hell?" I muttered.

"Ugh..." A sudden, feminine noise caught me off guard. I looked back at my mother to see her starting to shift. Her eyes opened and she sat up, rubbing her head.


"Mom!" I screamed, grabbing her and hugging her tight. She jolted in surprise, before looking at me. She squinted her eyes, before a warm smile appeared on her face.

"Yui?" She asked.

"Yes! It's me!" I could feel tears in my eyes as I squeezed her to death, determined to never let her go again.

"What the?!" Dad suddenly awoke. "Yuki?!"

He grabbed the both of us, tightly hugging us. I glanced backwards, seeing Iris standing and smiling behind us. I gestured for her to come here.

She awkwardly came over, joining the group hug from behind me. As we all separated with warm smiles, Dad noticed the hole in the ceiling.

"Hold on, what's that?" He pointed upwards.

"Before Mom woke up, she shot a beam of light into the sky." I stated.

"Huh?" My Dad looked at me in confusion.

"Yui." Mom grabbed my attention. "Was it...blue?"

"Uh, yes." I replied. "Why?"

"Shit." Mother cursed. She stared up at the blue portal above the sky. "It's...it's..."


"Oh no..." Iris and I spoke at the same time.

Mom looked at me. "You know who-?"

My phone suddenly rang. I quickly fumbled it out, seeing that it was Irene. I quickly answered the phone and placed it on speaker.

"Yui. Iris." Irene stated. "Azeroth has arrived."

"Yeah, we see that big blue portal thing in the sky." I replied.

"That's a rift." Irene replied. "The largest one we've seen. Larger than the one Lupercio used to come here."

"What's the plan?" Iris asked.

"We'll all meet up at the mansion, and form a plan. Ken is determined to finish this today." Irene continued.

"Alright." Iris nodded. "We'll be right there."

"See you soon." Irene then hung up.

"You-You can't be seriously thinking of fighting that monster, can you?" Mom shakily asked.

"Mom..." I looked at her. "We have to. Even if it'll be tough. Because if we don't, then Azeroth will take over our world. We've stopped one Demon King, we can stop another."

"You did what?"

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