132 - The Du Lac's Dark Secret

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We sat in the dining room of the Arthurson house. Erica sat next to her mother. Over the last couple of days they have been getting along better.

Her father sat at the head of the long table while I sat across from Erica. There was one more empty seat next to me for Lily.

Over the past couple of days she's been investigating into the Du Lac's for any possible weaknesses or information we may need.

I was hoping she could possibly find blueprints for their main house, or a secret entrance. Anything that can help would be useful.

For us, we've been planning possible attacks and ways to maneuver our troops. So far the Du Lac's haven't attacked, and we believe it would be best if we could strike them and end it in one day.

However, even though the Du Lac's have been quiet, another assassin came by. I easily took care of him however.

Aaron impatiently tapped the table as Erica and Julia lightly chatted. I silently waited. Any moment now...

Once Lily would arrive I would translate for her. While she can speak English okay, it would be better if I translated it so no misunderstandings occurred.

The door opened as Lily quickly strolled in, her eyes red from...crying? Fenrir trotted after her, letting out a low growl.

Immediately I became worried. What caused Lily to cry? She was physically fine thanks to Fenrir...so what happened?

Lily sat next to me in the empty seat. Aaron looked towards her with a raised eyebrow. Before he could say anything I shot him a look to stay quiet.

"Lily...is everything alright?" I slowly asked.

"Ken..." Lily muttered. "It's horrible...they're...they're..."

"What are they doing?" I softly asked.

"Child soldiers...child soldiers..." Lily started to cry.

Wait...don't tell me they are...

"You don't mean?!" Julia gasped.

"Yes." Lily started to cry. I gave her a light hug, rubbing her back for comfort. "They're kidnapping...children...and awakening...the Arcanas!"

"Shit." I cursed.

Those fuckers. They're taking children and awakening their arcana's early. Those that survive they'll then brainwash into strong, loyal soldiers.

There's a reason why Arcana's aren't awakened until you reach Highschool. If you were too young, bonding to an Arcana could be fatal. There was a good chance you would spontaneously combust. A child's body just isn't made to house the power of an Arcana.

I had never seen it, and I never want to. Just imagining it made me want to puke. A child exploding in a show of blood and guts? No thanks.

But that was exactly the kind of stuff that has a good chance of happening if an Arcana is unlocked early. The only possible benefit is more time to train with the Arcana.

That is literally it. It's a ton of risk for barely any reward. It's not worth it for a singular person. But for someone who's trying to create an army...if they can brainwash the kids while they are young that would be ideal.

But only the few that survive.

There's only one person I know who's survived an early Arcana awakening and that was Amber. Everybody else either did it at the normal time, or died trying.

"That's horrific." Aaron growled. "And you are completely sure?"

"Yes." Lily sobbed. She pulled out her phone, opened her pictures, and then threw her phone onto the desk.

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