171 - The Knight Verses The Trickster

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"B-but..." Xena looked inbetween the hole in the wall and I.

"Xena, please." I replied. "It'll be the most helpful if you can get someone down here to help me."

Merlin and Aoi are down, possibly knocked out. Can't count on them getting up yet. Amber and Lily won't be able to hear us from the lower floors. I think most of the other girls left for various things, including Isabella, but someone should still be home.

"O-ok!" Xena quickly scampered up the stairs, heading as quick as she could for someone.

Erica emerged from the hole, a fierce look on her face. "Don't get in my way." She growled. She looked to be...more full of emotions than before.

Something was off. About Erica.

And I'm not just talking about the mind washing and the sudden attempted murder of Xena. Well, yes, both of those were very obviously abnormal.

But something more than that.

"I won't let you a lay a single fucking hand on my daughter." I replied, summoning Loki in my hand in his axe form. "Now get out of my house."

Lightning sparked around me as I hurled myself towards her, my axe connecting with her sword. We struggled against each other, before I kicked her backwards.

Her back slammed against the ground, but she easily was able to plant her hands against the floor and jump back to her feet in an instant. I threw a fist towards her face, only for Erica to catch it.


I was thrown through the air, crashing through the front door and flying into the yard. I got to my feet as Erica dashed towards me, Excalibur ready to commit decapitation.

At least we're out of the house.

I brought Loki up and blocked Erica's sword with the hilt of my axe, only to roll out of the way as Erica sent a kick towards me. She spun around into another kick, which I narrowly avoided by quickly planting and rolling another way.

I flipped from the roll onto my feet, catching Erica's fist and bringing my own back. I threw my fist into her stomach, green lightning pulsating forwards and sending her flying backwards. She crashed into the ground, before getting back up to her feet without a scratch upon her or her armor.

Something was off. That vision I had of her memories...I freed them. She shouldn't be acting like this.

"Who am I?" I asked.

"Ken Kage." She replied. "Once again, Azeroth already told me. Now get out of my way so I can finish this. First her, then Azeroth. I owe it to everyone I knew."

"So when was our first meeting?" I asked.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She narrowed her eyes.

"That's what I thought." I dashed towards her, bringing my fist to her face. She caught my fist once again, only for me to use this to my advantage, flipping myself over her and getting onto her back. I wrapped my legs around her waist and my arm around her neck.

She dropped her sword and started to whack me with her hands. I refused to budge, until she dropped the both of us onto the ground. The weight of a woman wearing armor falling onto a person hurts.

I groaned as she got back up, picking up her sword and standing above me. I looked up to see her raising Excalibur, ready to finally end me.

And then it clicked. Why I wasn't in the vision of her memories. Why she had no recollection of me. Why she acted so differently when I freed her of the mind control.

She swung downwards.

I caught the sword inbetween my armored hands, pushing upwards against her. The green lightning around me started to spark more erratically as I started to gain ground, repositioning myself for better support as I pushed against her.

"What the hell..." Erica muttered.

And then I socked her in the face.

She stumbled backwards, still holding onto her sword with one hand while the other clutched her face. She looked back at me only to see a pistol pointed straight at her head.

"Give me one good reason now I shouldn't kill you." I spat out.

She only glared at me.

"Let me guess..." I started to speak. "You came to Japan. The Principal invited you to go to Legacy High, and you met a bunch of girls you became friends with. Well, as Eric Arthurson, hiding the fact you were a girl."

Her eyes widened.

"You then encountered The Children of Lupercio, and learned of the Demon King's return. You then prepared all you could, only to lose to the Demon King." I continued.

"..." Erica stayed silent. "How did you know?"

And that confirmed it. This wasn't my Erica. I wasn't talking to my girlfriend.

I was talking to the OG Erica of Heaven's Hell.

I don't know how. But here I was.

"Doesn't matter." I replied. "Now this is going to go one of two ways. You listen to me and tell me everything you know about Azeroth...or I blow your brains out. Deal?"

"Azeroth is the strongest being I have ever encountered. Even stronger than Lupercio." Erica stated. "Do you think you can beat him?"

"I do." I grinned.

"You are far too cocky." Erica replied.

"Well, personally I think I have a good chance." I laughed. "After all, I'm the one who killed Lupercio."

"What?" She looked at me in confusion.

Aoi suddenly appeared in the doorframe, followed by Iris, Amber, and Lily, with Xena clutched to the succubus' leg.

"Is everything alright?!" Iris gasped.

"Yep, just sorting some things out." I replied, desummoning Loki. "Now come on, Erica Alter, let's get to talking."

"Erica Alter?" The girls, including Erica Alter herself but excluding Aoi, questioned.

"We have a lot to talk about." I vaguely replied. "Now everybody into the house. And no more fights."

I prodded Erica Alter to go in front of me, making her enter the house first. I kept my eye on her. I wasn't sure if I had truly freed her from Azeroth's control...or if Azeroth could easily regain control.

Now why in the world did I find a different Erica than the one I know? I'm not surprised that bastard Azeroth lied to me...but the spell lead me straight to Erica Alter.

"I have a theory, if you may." Medea spoke from within the depths of my mind.

Yes, go ahead.

"This Erica is biologically the same. The difference is in memories and experiences. Therefore, the spell works on both of them by using Avalon, which belongs to both, as they're both wielder of Excalibur." Medea explained. "I don't have an answer as to why it didn't prioritize your Erica, however."

"But that's just a theory." Loki added.

"Do you have anything better?" Medea asked, and I could hear the eye-roll in her voice.

"Uh...no. I'm still processing this twist." Loki replied.

Well, now that everybody has cooled down for the moment, we can finally figure out some things about this Aze-

Lightning and thunder seemed to rock the sky as the ground started to shake. The thunder only increased in intensity as the sound of chaos erupted outside.

"Oh no..." Erica Alter gasped, rushing outside.

"Hey!" I yelled, running after her.

We ran outside, only to pause as we looked above. Covering the sky was a large, blue rift which cut through the sky. It was the largest rift I have ever seen. Larger than Lupercio's. How the hell?

"It's him." Erica Alter muttered.

Azeroth had arrived.

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