162 - I Also Hate Myself

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Hold on. Wait a minute.

That's me, isn't it? Hey, Egak is just Kage backwards! Are you kidding me?!

"Yeah, that's definitely you." Loki replied, still shaken.

He's an even edgier version than me. I never thought that I would end up fighting myself in this kind of way, but honestly, this brings up a lot of questions.

His Arcana is Loki. Is he also a fusion of souls like I am? Or is his personality just more similar to Kyle than Ken? What happened to his eyes? Why was he working for Demon King Azaroth?

And what the hell is with his vague warnings?

"K-Ken..?" Erica whispered.

Bianca looked inbetween me and the other me, very confused.

"We've been through the multiverse shtick." I said. "He's me, but he's not ME. Get it?"

"Kind of confusing." Erica muttered. "I'm surprised you aren't shaken."

No, I'm definitely shaken. Because something happened which turned me into that. Can't say it doesn't worry me.

Anyways, he said that I was stronger than he was. He seems to be a little older than me, and he shouldn't be as strong as me with the seals unlocked. With Bianca and Erica with my side, we should win whether this battle is quick or long.

Backwards Ken suddenly narrowed his eyes at me. "Wait...You're stronger than now than before that punch. Where did that boost come from?"

He doesn't know about the seals. Is his timeline different? Did he never get involved with Erica, Irene, and the others?

"Well, shit." He sighed. "LOKI!"

With his sudden scream we were blasted backwards. I slammed my feet into the ground, only being pushed back a little. However, Erica and Bianca quickly left my view as they flew through two portals. Those weren't there before.

. . .

"This should be a bit more even." Bastard Ken stated. "I'm sorry about this. This is now the second Bianca I've pissed of."

. . .

They were just here...

"Where the fuck did you send them?" I glared at him.

"Away." Was all he replied.

I let out a low chuckle, receiving an eyebrow raise from Gonna-Be-Dead Ken. I blasted myself forwards with green fire, and in an instant my fist was in his face. He flew backwards, crashing against the ground before he slammed his sword into the rock to stop himself.

"What's going on with Ken...?" Medea asked.

"Ah, it's what he got from Irene and the others..." Loki stated. "I haven't seen this since the tournament and Lupercio."

"You don't mean...?" Medea gasped.

"That's right..." Loki continued.

I couldn't hear them anymore, not with the blood pumping through my ears. If he wasn't going to tell me, then I'd beat it out of him. It doesn't matter how many teeth I break or how many fingers I snap, I will get him to tell me.

"...he can get quite crazy." He finished.

The other Ken barely blocked the swing of my sword in time, giving me the opportunity to uppercut him in the stomach. The armor around my fist impacted his with a strong force, forcing him backwards.

I morphed Loki into a gun, aiming it at his head. He ducked as a fiery bullets flew by, lunging at me with a swing to the head. I stopped his blade with my hand, keeping it in place. My grip was too strong to push through.

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! [Volume 2]Where stories live. Discover now