131 - A Talk Between Mother And Daughter

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(Erica POV)

I was nervous. I haven't had an one-on-one talk with one of my parents for a whole year. And with how this trip has gone so far, I can't help but be worried it will get worse.

But Ken is right. He can help me, but ultimately I need to be the one to face them. It was time for me to face my own past, my own demons.

"You got this." Arthur offered support.

We left Father alone in the dining room with the knocked out servants. He looked extremely stressed, with gray hairs growing on his head which weren't there before.

We walked to Mother's room, where she closed the door behind us. Mother sat down on the bed, patting the spot next to her. Reluctantly I sat down.

"I just want to say..." Mother started.

I braced myself.

"...I'm sorry." She finished.

"What?" I asked, surprised.

"I'm sorry. I've been a terrible, terrible, Mother." She stated, shaking her head. "This past year with you gone I realized that. Even more so with the whole incident with your boyfriend."

"I'm so, so sorry. But that doesn't make it up for anything. I ultimately failed you as a mother, and for that I apologize." She sadly stated. "And hopefully your Father comes to realize that."

"...why?" I asked.

"Huh?" Mother let out, looking towards me confused.

"Why did you make me pretend to be a boy?" I asked. "Why did you really do it?"

"We are...very old fashioned." She stated. "The Pendragon family has been stuck in the past for too long. We've been sticking to old ideas."

"And one of those was that a man had to be the next heir. And with it unlikely for me to get pregnant again, we made you pretend to be a boy to make up for that." She continued.

"I realize now that was forcing you to be someone you weren't. Expectations be damned, it was wrong for me to do that." She stated.

She slightly rubbed her belly. "Erica...I'm pregnant."

"What?!" I gasped, looking towards her in surprise.

"Yeah." She nodded. "We did it. I became pregnant. And it's a boy. You're going to have a little brother."

I wasn't sure how to feel about that.

"You're not being replaced Erica. And I'm sorry that Aaron tried to marry you off. He's not a bad man, but he's a terrible father." Mother shook her head sadly.

"Over the course of the last year I realized just how empty this house seemed with you gone. I started to realize how much I was taking you for granted." She continued.

"I started talking with Jill, the wife to Darien Du Lac." She stated. "Jill is a good woman. And it's because of that fact that I allows this meeting. That was another mistake, another failure I've made as a mother."

"Erica." She looked me in the eyes. "I didn't show it often before. I believed that I had to be the upright wife of the leader of the Pendragon family."

"That was me being stuck in the past." She shook her head. "But the whole reason this incident with the Du Lac's have started is because of being stuck in the past."

"Even now, Aaron is stuck in what has happened generations ago. It's time for this to stop. It's time for change." Mother continued.

"Erica, I love you. I love you, and have always loved you. But I never showed it, and for that I'm sorry. For a lot of things I'm sorry." She apologized.

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