173 - A Fight Between Monsters

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It didn't take long for Yui and Iris to come back from their expedition, bringing along not only Yui's father but also...her mother?

She finally recovered?

Thank god. Still going to snap Azeroth into a thousand little pieces, however.

The other girls who weren't home also met back with us, so now the whole gang was here.

"Ken. What's the game plan?" Iris questioned.

"We can't risk the people here. We'll have to get Azeroth to somewhere else." I stated. "We will also need people guarding here, in case something else happens. That can probably go to the S Ranks. They're the most experienced."

"I shall also have our members help." Irene added, typing something into her phone.

"Then what?" Iris asked.

"Then...we...kill Azeroth." I decided.

"You need more of a plan than just that..." Yui's mother spoke, crossing her arms and staring at me. "...Ken Kage."

How am I already on her bad side? Now both of Yui's parents aren't favoring me...

"Did you go against Azeroth?" Lily asked.

"...briefly." Yui's mother stated. "It's his influence which put me into the coma. He can mess with minds."

Considering Erica Alter's brainwashing, that doesn't come too much as a surprise. Maybe Merlin could possibly help me get into Azeroth's mind as a counterattack?

"Not to mention a variety of other strange powers. I can't say that I-" She winced. "-remember them. It's like something is blocking my memories."

"I could take a look at them if you'd like." Merlin stated. "Might be able to help?"

"Take a look at my memories?" Yui's mother questioned. "You can do that?"

"I know magic." Merlin smiled.

A thunderous boom came from above, and suddenly tons of hawk people came swarming out of the rift high above. There were hundreds-

No, thousands.

Shit. This is much worse than when Lupercio invaded.

"We're going to need a lot of people to stay." Erica Alter narrowed her eyes. "I volunteer. I shall not let my world be ruined once again."

"Somebody make sure she isn't alone with Xena." I interjected.

Another thunderous boom came from above, and we watched as what looked like a blue shooting star came flying from the portal. One which headed straight towards us.

"Move!" Somebody screamed.

We all quickly scattered as the object slammed into the ground, creating a crater from the impact and kicking up tons of dust. As the dust faded away, a single figure stepped out of the crater.

A woman with long, black hair, two black horns with dark blue tips, blazing blue eyes, and dark armor which looked similar to my own, other than the regal, blue cape which fluttered behind her.

And she was staring straight at me.

"It's nice to finally meet you face to face, Ken~." She spoke.

I narrowed my eyes at her as my clenched fists started to shake.

"Azeroth." I stated.

"Ding ding ding! That's correct!" She grinned, showing off vicious and pointy teeth. "What a smartie you are!"

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