147 - How To Beat A Bitch

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(Irene POV)

To say I was unnerved by Rose's reaction would be an understatement. I already knew she was mentally unstable, but she suddenly started screaming about how she had killed this girl.

So who was she?

I narrowed my eyes at her. This girl was insane. Spouting out nonsense about being the sister of Ken despite there definitely not being any blood relation between those two. I had studied Ken's family tree quite thoroughly.

But she mentioned crossing worlds. So, is she from another world? Is Ken...from another world? Is that what he isn't telling me?

"You did." Replied Reika. "And I really need to pay you back for that."

"What is going on?" I whispered.

"I'm not completely sure..." Ken whispered back, confused and on guard.

"So..." Reika continued. "This is him, isn't it? I was watching him for a while, and even approached him. But you were the final nail in the coffin. It is him."

"Fuck. You." Rose growled. "Take another step closer and I'll choke you to death again."

"Oooh, kinky~" laughed Reika. "Though I'd rather if it was Kyle." Her eyes looked over and connected with Ken's.

A spark of recognition passed through their eyes.






"Kyle?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Shit..." Rose muttered.

"...what did you just say?" Ken asked, his fists tightening.

"I'd rather if it was you, Kyle." Reika smirked. "Rather than your bitch of a sister."

"Better than being a whore like you." Snarled Rose.

"Kiera." Ken whispered in shock.

"Who?" I questioned.

"His ex." Rose growled. "Who ruined him."

Ex? Ex? Ex?



Who ruined him?! What the fuck did this bitch do?!

"You had an ex?" I narrowed her eyes. "You should have told me."

"Maybe I should have." Ken whispered, before looking up to Reika with one of the scariest (and hottest) glares I had ever seen him give.

"Aw, don't you miss me?" Reika grinned.

Wait, so Reika is Kiera. Does this also have to do with the crossing worlds?

"Hey, uh, you might want to back up." A male voice resonated through my head.

Thor. It was quite a shock when he first yawned and woke up in my head after I upgraded my Arcana to X Rank with the horn.

So, Thor. What do you mean?

"Loki's host is...well...he's going to blow up any moment now." Thor stated. "And judging by your memories, the last time he blew up like this was when you were turned into gold."

I felt a smile play on my lips. This bitch, whatever she did, definitely deserved it. I was about to have a show.

Ken was still, having a staring contest with Reika. While Reika had a grin etched onto her face, Ken was deathly quiet, his face not showing any emotion except for a hard stare. That was scarier than any emotion he could show. And hotter.

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