158 - The S Ranked Open Rift

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"Is the area evacuated?" Brandon asked one of the soldiers blocking a road.

"Yes sir!" He saluted. "The civilians have been evacuated and the streets have been blocked off."

"Good." Brandon nodded. He glanced at the rest of us, before gesturing for us to come forwards. "Follow me."

We walked past the blockades, the soldiers letting us by. We walked through the streets, before finally the rift revealed itself to us. It was a rift much larger than normal, but it didn't compare to the size of the rift created when Lupercio tried to cross into this world.

Standing somewhat near the rift was a single man with glasses and a long lab coat. He held a tablet, typing on it before glancing upwards and seeing the S Ranks.

"Hello." He nodded.

"Tsukaya, it's been a while." Brandon replied. "Everybody, this is Yoku Tsukaya. He'll be our man on the outside, letting us know of any changes from out here."

"My job is to record the data you guys send me and to make sure that nothing strange happens on my end. There have been times when open rifts have fluctuated in power, either increasing or decreasing ranks." Yoku explained.

He pulled out a couple of earpieces from his pocket, tossing one to each of us. "These are specially made experimental contact devices. They'll let you talk to each other while separated, and if the theory works, then even with me, across worlds." He stated. "This will be the first test."

"Alright." Brandon nodded, placing an earpiece in.

"Isn't it weird to have a first test on such a dangerous mission?" My Mom asked, her voice distorted by the mask she wore to conceal her identity.

"Yes, but we didn't have time to test these beforehand." Yoku stated. "If they don't work as intended, that's fine. Just prioritize your own safety instead of fighting or exploring. If you need to retreat, then do it."

"Got it." Goku nodded, a grin growing on his face. "But I don't think we'll need to retreat."

"Don't be cocky." Principal elbowed him.

"I'm just being optimistic!" Goku retorted.

He was given an eye-roll in response.

"Has the supplies I requested been delivered?" Brandon asked.

"Should be any moment now." Yoku stated.

As per on cue, a man came running with multiple backpacks. We each were giving one, each one containing different survival necessities like tents, rations, water, and more.

"Alright. We should be ready." Brandon stated. We all turned towards the Open Rift, taking a deep breath before stepping forwards.

And then I felt a hand in my shoulder. Glancing backwards, I saw Yoku staring at me.

"What do you think you're doing...?" He asked me. "This is for the S Ranks."

"He's allowed to join us." Brandon stated.

"What?" Yoku looked at him incredulously.

"I know what I'm doing." Brandon sighed.

Usually I wouldn't be allowed in an operation this big, but due to the seals, when releasing them, I have power that can easily rival an S Rank. I can unseal them without destroying my soul at the moment, right?

"Yes, you can." Loki stated. "But not for long."

"Or else..." Medea started to warn.

I know, I'll tear my soul in half, I've been through this before. Thanks for worrying, anyways.

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