180 - Epilogue

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After returning back to our world, we immediately headed to Aegis Mansion, the unofficial group meet-up spot for whenever something like this happened.

And it didn't take long for the others to arrive.

"We're glad you're back." I heard the girls talking to Erica.

"Papa!" Xena ran towards me, jumping up to give me a hug. I grabbed her, hugging her back as she buried her face into my neck.

"You alright?" I asked her.

"Yeah!" Xena smiled.

"I'll take her upstairs. Seems like you have business to attend to." Erica Alter spoke. She glanced behind her, where multiple angry girls were waiting.

I side-eyed her with a suspicious look.

"You don't need to worry." She sighed. "I won't do anything. After all, I owe her for saving me."

"You saved her?" I looked at Xena.

"Mhm-Hmm!" Xena happily nodded.

"It was pretty...cool." Erica Alter slowly stated, to which Xena grew a grin.

"...fine." I handed Xena over to Erica Alter.

"I'll be back." Erica Alter stated. "After she goes to bed."

"Why can't I stay?" Xena asked.

"The girls need some time alone with your Dad for a moment." Erica Alter replied, taking her upstairs.

With that done, I could feel the burning presence of multiple glares on my back. I slowly turned, only to be confronted with possibly the worst case scenario.

"To think you would pull that same move again." Irene stared me down, the girls other girls standing beside her. Iris, Lily, Yui, Amber, Aoi, Bianca, Merlin, and even Erica gave me dangerous gazes.

"To be fair, I was trying to get an advantage by changing the playing field. It mostly worked, until I was punched into another dimension." I stated. "And I wanted to limit the possibility of a hostage situation."

"I understand." Irene replied. "But it worries us. Greatly. We cannot lose you."

"You won't lose me. I promise." I walked up to Irene, smiling at her, before giving her a kiss.

"What about me?" I felt my arm grabbed, looking over to a smirking Lily.

"I was his first girlfriend." Erica argued, grabbing my other arm. "Therefore I should be next."

"Me." Bianca simply stated, moving closer.

"Hey! No fair!" Yui pouted.

"Damn." Amber bit her lip while Aoi gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"So we're not going to do the slapping thing again?" I asked.

"Not unless you want it." Yui grinned.

"No, I'm not a masochist like you." I sweatdropped.

"We understand the tactical decision." Amber added. "Though none of us like it."

"Don't forget we can fend for ourselves, ok?" Erica elbowed me. "I'm not going to let myself ever get captured again. Because we aren't weak."

"Let me guess, power of friendship makes all of you stronger?" I teased.

"Something like that." Erica smirked.

More like the power of yandere...

Well, guess I'm getting off easier than I thought.

"So...are we not going to address that?" A new voice entered the fray. Erica Alter walked down the stairs, joining the rest of us. She pointed towards a face-down Azeroth. Erica had carried her in here, before dropping her down.

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! [Volume 2]Where stories live. Discover now