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Sakiya's figure stands underneath the pale glow of the moonlight as she overlooks the water mindlessly cleaning her blade

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Sakiya's figure stands underneath the pale glow of the moonlight as she overlooks the water mindlessly cleaning her blade. She had been out here for seven days already, killing demons as they came to her.

A specific one though has been plaguing her nights since her arrival and after her defeating him countless times and sparing his life after each defeat he has made it his job to stalk her from the shadows and interfere at the most inopportune times.

Sakiya suspects he wants to either catch her off guard and get her killed or make her try to kill him.

The latter is an action that she has refused to take for many reasons, one being that he looks eerily familiar to the man who brought her to this world despite the six eyes that adorn his human-like face.

Another reason she supposes is because despite his aura reeking of bloodlust and evil intentions she can still feel an internal war brewing beneath his skin that simmers slowly coming to a boil. The path of the samurai and the path of a demon both battle deep within his soul, the former usually being suppressed by the six eyed demon.

She wonders if his fascination stemmed from her strength or the fact that she clearly shows off the three tomoe commonly used to symbolize both the samurai and martial arts.

An all too familiar presence enters the area she rests in and like she had summoned him by thinking about him the six eyed demon makes a swipe at her huffing slightly as she disappears from her spot.

"Back again? I do not have time to play with you tonight demon" Sakiya says from the tree branch she now stands on. The demon looks up at her from the ground curiosity tinging his aura as she rejects his advances for the first time since he discovered her.


Sakiya tilts her head curiously at the demon who had chosen to finally speak for the first time since they had met each other weeks ago.

The demon himself tries to push down the unfamiliar feeling of desperation that wells up within him. The feeling makes him bitter with disgust that this woman had made him feel such a petty human emotion again after not feeling such things for hundreds of years.

Ethereum ||Demon Slayer Various|| *On Hold 5/22/2024Where stories live. Discover now