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Sakiya sits out on the engawa humming softly as Inosuke lays his head on her lap

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Sakiya sits out on the engawa humming softly as Inosuke lays his head on her lap. She brushes her fingers through his hair as she stares up at the bright moon as it starts to disappear beckoning the morning sun to rise.

"Is your head feeling better Inosuke?" she asks, glancing down at the boy, her eyes scanning his head.

Inosuke opens his eyes before he grins widely up at her "Of course Flower breasts! A small bump on the head means nothing to the great Inosuke!" he shouts sitting up and punching the sky. Sakiya's expression softens as she watches the wild boy show off how he feels much better by punching and kicking the air.

Inosuke who notices the lack of commentary from the girl looks back at her and sees her giving him a soft closed eyed smile. Flowers start floating around the boy and he punches his chest unsure what the warm fuzzy feeling that wells up there is.

Growling he crawls back over to her and slams his head back down on her lap surprising the girl. "I want more," he demands, pouting up at her.

Sakiya sighs lightly and places her hand back on his head, rubbing it gently making the boy close his eyes. She listens to the chaos that erupts from the house between Tanjiro and Zenitsu as they yell at each other.

"Miss, mister," the elderly lady says, bowing to the two. "The doctor will be in soon to check on your injuries again. Why don't you go inside and eat before he arrives" the lady says and bows again to them.

Inosuke growls as the two other boys continue screaming and he jumps up, throwing open the doors.

Tanjiro and Zenitsu's heads snap to the door where they see Inosuke there steam coming from his mouth before he rams his foot into Zenitsu's face pushing off the screaming boy and headbutting Tanjiro in the stomach.

"What was that for!?" Tanjiro asks glaring up at the boar headed boy. "You interrupted my head pat time with Sukiyma!" he roars and lunges again trying to ram into Tanjiro a second time.

"Whoa hey! Don't blame me! If anyone interrupted you then it was Zenitsu!" Tanjiro shouts pointing at the blonde.

"Tanjiro you traitor! How could you?!" Zenitsu wails before shrieking as Inosuke turns his fury on him. Zenitsu screams loudly as Inosuke chases him around the room, lunging every so often trying to headbutt him.

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