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"Sakiya-san do you have a moment?" Shinobu asks after she knocks lightly on the door catching the violet haired girl's attention

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"Sakiya-san do you have a moment?" Shinobu asks after she knocks lightly on the door catching the violet haired girl's attention. Sakiya looks up from her book to the butterfly hashira

"Of course Kocho-san"

Shinobu sets a plate of china down on the side table and Sakiya places a bookmark between the pages and lays it down.

"I heard that you finally put your family to rest. I wanted to extend my condolences for your loss. Demons take and take from everyone. That is why we as demon slayers protect the innocent by hunting them down"

Sakiya watches quietly as the other woman fills the cups with tea. Shinobu herself watches the older girl from the corner of her eye trying to see if she reacts to her words. She knew that the girl in some way loved the demons she had around her.

Something that Shinobu could not bring herself to understand. To begin with it was difficult to comprehend why someone would protect those that had taken so many innocent lives.

Her views were skewed in her opinion and knowing now that she had lost her family well she can't believe the girl could accept demons with what they do.

Shinobu wanted to find out the real reason why the girl surrounded herself with those monsters. She needed to see the motive behind it all because there had to have been more to it than just wanting to save everyone.

"Thank you for your sympathy, Kocho-san. Though to set the record straight and leave no misunderstandings my family was not killed by demons" Sakiya says taking a sip from the cup the butterfly woman handed her.

Shinobu's eyes widen at her revelation and watches with bated breath as the girl drinks the tea. Her eyes soften as she sips at her own "You don't like me much, do you Sakiya"

Sakiya looks at the woman questioning her thoughts "Why do you think that, Kocho-san?"

"Well, you hold an air of indifference around me. Your responses are short and clipped. You are so much more open with others that I get the impression you dislike me"

Ethereum ||Demon Slayer Various|| *On Hold 5/22/2024Where stories live. Discover now