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Sakiya hums as she sits in the shade of the enclosed engawa, her left hand splayed out behind her supporting her weight as she looks out at the garden

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Sakiya hums as she sits in the shade of the enclosed engawa, her left hand splayed out behind her supporting her weight as she looks out at the garden. Rui lies across her lap soaking in the motions of her fingers running through his hair and watching the sun start to set . The sound of footsteps catches both of their attention and Rui lifts his head to see Tanjiro stop short in the entrance of the gardens, surprise and relief in his gaze as he spots Sakiya.

"Tanji" Sakiya says softly, smiling at the teen "It's good to see you moving around without help"

"Sakiya, I wasn't expecting to see you here. Did you come to get your polearm worked on by Haganezuka-san too?" Tanjiro asks as he walks closer to her.

"No, I am here to see someone else. Is your sword in need of repair again? I don't remember it being damaged during our last fight" Sakiya tilts her head to the side trying to recall if she saw anything happen to his sword when they were fighting upper moon six.

Tanjiro sheepishly grins rubbing the back of his neck "I may have broken it when I was fighting Gyutaro while you were gone dealing with that other demon monster. Haganezuka-san is very upset with me because I keep ruining his work"

Sakiya hums "I see. I do not know if you have already met with the chief of this village but he told me that Haganezuka-san is out of the village at the moment. I was told that if I needed repairs done on my polearm that they would get me a new smith if he wasnt back by the time I was ready to leave. I would assume that would be the same case for you since we share him"

Tanjiro lets out a defeated sigh as bows his head. "I was told the same thing. It seems I have really upset Haganezuka-san this time"

Sakiya stands up and ruffles Tanjiro's hair, sending him a reassuring look "I am sure he will return Tanjiro. For now we can just enjoy getting away and having a break from fighting demons"

Tanjiro shoots her a grateful grin, the two turning their attention up at the now darkened sky "I was supposed to go to the baths but I smelled your presence and wanted to see if you were really here. I suppose I will have to wait now until my guide finds me"

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