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"Sakiya-chan! Sakiya-chan!" a loud feminine voice shouts and the violet haired woman looks up from her book as she watches Mitsuri running towards her waving her arms around in the air with excitement

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"Sakiya-chan! Sakiya-chan!" a loud feminine voice shouts and the violet haired woman looks up from her book as she watches Mitsuri running towards her waving her arms around in the air with excitement.

"Hello Misturi. What brings you to the Butterfly mansion today? I thought you were on a mission?" Sakiya asks as she puts a bookmark between the pages and closes the book so she can give the bright woman her undivided attention.

"Oh I was! I just came back from my mission actually but I needed to go get my sword repaired. It seems to have been chipped" Mitsuri pouts as Sakiya smiles at her.

"That's indeed not good. I assume that's where you are headed now then?" Sakiya asks, casting a glance at the travel ready pillar. Mitsure nods quickly beaming at the other woman again "Yes! I was just about to head out to meet the Kakushi who will take me there but I wanted to see if you would be willing to join me"

Sakiya thinks about the love pillar's request for a moment. She had never been to the swordsmith village before. There was never a need to visit such a place but she had to admit she was a tad bit curious. She had heard Kagaya talk about it once when she was at his mansion taking care of him.

The man loved telling her stories about the history of the slayer corps and she loved listening to him. His gentle and calm voice made for a great narrator and she could feel the deep emotion behind the words he spoke as he spun his stories breathing new life into the long gone past.

The swordsmith village came up when he asked about her nichirin blade. He was surprised it had been kept in such good condition even after four hundred years of neglect. Though it had been centuries he suspected that the reason it was still in great shape may have been heavily influenced by the fact Yoriichi's swordsmith was considered legendary in his time and had also brought up the fact that he was a ancestor of a child by the name of Kotetsu who currently resides in the swordsmith village.

Thinking about the child, Sakiya wonders if she should accept this offer to travel there. His ancestors were the ones to forge the sword; it was only right that she go meet him and allow him to restore Yoriichi's sword to its former glory.

Ethereum ||Demon Slayer Various|| *On Hold 5/22/2024Where stories live. Discover now