||~𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫~||

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The sound of what seems to be water roars through Sakiya's eardrums as color blurs her vision

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The sound of what seems to be water roars through Sakiya's eardrums as color blurs her vision. Every once in a while the picture clears enough for her to see the outlines of three people all with her violet colored hair.

She blinks and catches a glimpse of Kokushibo carrying her through fire and rubble before the vision changes to one where Yorrichi replaces his brother and stands before the large glass portal that she had seen after saving Kyojuro's life. The dead demon slayer turns around and tears drip from his eyes as a small smile graces his face.

'I have watched the events of the future many times. Each one with a different reincarnated person I chose hoping that they would be able to make a difference. Each one caused a different outcome. Regardless of the path they took, each one failed in the end' his voice echoes through her foggy mind like a broken record from their first meeting 'But you will be different. You have to be if you are to succeed'

Sakiya feels herself wretch her mind clouded with pain that seeps through into her consciousness and gasps as she sees her father smiling down at her from where she lies in a field of tall grass. 'You are so strong my little sakura blossom. So very strong. We will be waiting for you however long it takes. Now go. Return and finish your job. We will always be by your side wherever you go'

Sakiya closes her eyes as he cups her cheek and kisses her forehead. His touch fades from her skin and her eyes snap open as a gut wrenching pain shoots through her. A hand clamps over her mouth stifling her scream and Kokushibo throws a chunk of splintered wood away that he had pulled out of her stomach.

"Koku" Sakiya chokes while breathing heavily as he finally removes his hand.

He glances up at her his eyes stern as he stares at her "Be quiet. You are still healing from your injuries. The blue spider lily can only do so much so quickly" he says and grabs a strand of cloth that had been used to tie her kimono in place and uses it to create a tourniquet around her stomach.

Sakiya hisses as pain flairs and she looks down at her bloody abdomen and watches as the skin slowly knits itself back together. She sighs and lets her head fall back against the partially standing wall Kokushibo had set her against.

Ethereum ||Demon Slayer Various|| *On Hold 5/22/2024Where stories live. Discover now