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"Haganezuka-san is very passionate about his work

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"Haganezuka-san is very passionate about his work. I don't think there is anyone that loves their swords as much as he does" Kanamori Inosuke's swordsmith says to the two who kneel in front of him "There is no one like him even in the sword-forgers homeland."

Tanjiro glances over at the man who lies on his side leisurely "I suppose not"

Sakiya's attention is otherwise occupied by Inosuke's actions as he studies his new swords intently. She notices that he is slightly displeased and she tilts her head to the side as his blades turn a pale indigo-gray color. She watches intrigued as he wanders into the garden throwing stones around the place.

When he seems to find one he likes he raises it in the air then brings it down against the metal with a sharp clang. "AHHHHHHHH!" Kanamori wails horrified as the boy chips the blade of his new swords. "What are you doing?"

Tanjiro holds the flailing man back as he tries to lunge at the unsuspecting Inosuke while Sakiya watches on in amusement. "Bastard! That's it. Come here so I can wring your neck! You're a dead man, you hear me? A dead man!"

"Sakiya-san" a voice brings her attention away from Inosuke as she looks over at Haganezuka who eagerly sits in front of her. "I am your weaponsmith. I was very intrigued with the design Ubuyashiki-sama had sent over with the request of a new weapon for a demon slayer" the man says and sleeves over a long wooden case to the still seated girl.

Sakiya brushes her fingertips across the smooth surface, her breath catching as she feels the power and warmth underneath the lid. Inosuke and Tanjiro scoot closer, both filled with anticipation as they await the reveal of the weapon beneath.

"Go on, Sakiya! Open it" Tanjiro says, his eyes shining as he looks up at her.

Sakiya swallows and opens the lid revealing a delicately forged polearm in the padded case. "Woah! What is that?" Inosuke asks stars popping up around him as he stares at the foreign weapon.

"It's a polearm Inosuke. I had requested one to be made since it better suits my combat style as I tend to add hand to hand elements while I'm fighting. It will allow me more fluidity and movement while I kill demons" Sakiya tells the boy.

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