Authors note (Sorry but its Important)

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Hello my lovely readers.

This is sadly not an update but it is something that I have felt I need to bring attention too and discuss with you all.

I have been getting some comments about Sakiya's character that I don't really appreciate. I know that I made her have this super powerful ability. I know that in the beginning she doesn't use her power. It's done that way for a reason that is fully explained in later chapters and has already been explained depending on when in the book you are reading this note

(This note is going to be posted in two spots in the book. After chapter four for newer readers and again after chapter thirty one for older readers)

Though that is the case here is a brief explanation. Sakiya is a 17/20 year old girl who grew up normal. Minus a few things of course. She never had to battle, especially not against demons. She has little self esteem and she lacks the will to live. If you give someone who is like this a large amount of power you cannot expect them to know everything there is to know about fighting right off the bat. Especially when they are internally battling themselves against wanting to save people and wanting to die.

I try to write my characters as realistically as possible even with the op power and fantasy aspect. Making her have no problems and able to fight like she has been training and gaining experience for years and years is not realistic. Even with a teacher like Yoriichi she is only as good as she lets herself be and she is only as good as her experience. Experience of which she does not have yet in the earlier chapters.

Sakiya is complex, she is flawed and above all else she is human and I will write her like that because humans are not perfect and they cant change who they are overnight by the gift of a new life and a lot of power. 

She does get stronger. She does grow into her power but it takes time. It takes her healing and it takes experience and growth. I am not anywhere near a professional writer. I do this out of enjoyment and as a side hobby. I do not write perfectly and some things will be wrong with this book but like I stated this is not my profession and this is not a professional piece of literature.

I am not posting this to receive affirmation on this book.

I appreciate all of the supportive comments and they do make my day when I get them but they are not the sole reason I write this. I write this for myself. I enjoy the creative process and I only post my work because I want others to possibly find the same enjoyment I get from reading this because I personally re-read my works constantly. The main reason I am writing this is because though the comments on Sakiya that border on hate do not particularly bother me all that much now may change in the future.

This book and its comment section is supposed to be a safe and healthy space. I want my readers to if they decide to grace this work with a comment do so in a good and happy manor. (Even if the comment is expressing sadness, irritation or outrage over a particular scene)

I do not hold the interest nor the time for toxic and bashing comments. If there is something you don't particularly like or something isn't right in my work you can of course let me know. All that I ask is that criticism is done in a constructive manner and that if you do wish to leave a comment that voices your dislike of something in particular you are respectful and open minded.

The comments I have received are mainly about how Sakiya is supposed to be super powerful but struggles to defeat much of anything in the early chapters. As stated in the beginning of this post it is done that way for a reason. If you do have a problem with that and are not willing to keep that openmind and read further into the story to try and understand her and gain the knowledge of the reason she is that way then you can DNF this story. Leaving comments that are rude and disrespectful will not be tolerated.

I do not mind explaining things if you are confused. I am always available for those who want answers to reach out and I will help you. But any comments I see that bash my work will continue to be deleted and because it has happened more times than I care for I will start blocking people who leave comments again after the initial deletion. My policy here is be kind, be considerate, read happily and if you do not like it do not read it.

Thank you for your time and the next chapter should be out within the next few days. Depends on how busy this holiday weekend is for me.

Happy reading everyone!

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