||~𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫~||

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It takes only moments for the two pillars to realize that standing before them was upper moon three and even less time to try and act

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It takes only moments for the two pillars to realize that standing before them was upper moon three and even less time to try and act. Sanemi goes to stand up but a small hand grabs him making him halt in his movements. He looks down confused and enraged at the woman who stopped him watching as she stands up and turns to face the demon.

"Sakiya you aren't armed" Giyuu says looking over at her from where he stands his body on edge.

"I know. It's alright" she says and steps forward her hand leaving Sanemi's form.

"She's crazy" Sanemi mutters watching the completely defenseless women approach the pink haired Kazuki. Sakiya stops short of the grinning demon not reacting to his presence at all, making the demon pause in confusion.

He came here with the intent to fight her again but seeing her approach him fearlessly while having no way of fighting back made him rethink his original intent. There must have been a reason for Muzan's reaction and he wishes to find out what about this woman made the demon progenitor want her so bad while also fearing her at the same time.

"I want answers" Akaza finally says, surprising the two pillars as they watch the scene in befuddlement.

"I assumed so. What exactly do you want answered, Akaza?" Sakiya asks the demon her tone soft as she addresses him.

Akaza's eyes flicker up to the markings around her eye that portray the very thing his kind had been searching for "Are you the blue spider lily? Is that why my master wants you so badly?"

"I think you already know the answer to that Akaza but yes. It's my blood that he desires so badly. It's the very thing he has been in search of since his creation. The missing piece that will give him the power to walk in the sun no longer cursed to roam the night" Sakiya tells him, making the demon's eyes widen at her admission.

"Yet he fears the very thing he desires. Why is that?"

Sakiya smiles at him an untold secret behind her lips ready to be brought to light "because I am the only one in hundreds of years that can fight against him on equal footing. The thing he wants most is the thing he is incapable of obtaining. Muzan has been the strongest thing to roam this earth for a long time. Then he wasn't four hundred years ago when a human man nearly killed him within minutes. He went from being the strongest to benign the weakest. He thought once the slayer was dead that he would be back in the top spot and he was for a time. Until I came into the picture. Now he's back to feeling the same fear he felt when faced with the progenitor of breathing styles. Only this time I am not as vulnerable physically as that man was due to the contents of my blood and the presence of another that bears that man's mark standing alongside me"

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