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Sakiya breaths deeply as she lies on her back asleep

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Sakiya breaths deeply as she lies on her back asleep. Rui lies curled up at her side, his face buried in her shoulder, his own eyes closed as he drifts in and out of consciousness. It had been a tiring few days for the two. Despite the two having more time on their hands than they ever had before they had filled it with exploring and training. Of course they made multiple trips to the hot springs since this one here seemed to be more peaceful than that of the one at the compound keeping away answer searching visitors.

Tanjiro had asked for her to watch him train as Kotetsu had insisted he use the doll to train and it proved to be well beyond his current skill. He was easily beat down by the mechanical doll based on her own sensei and friend, which was a cold wakeup call as it made him realize he still had much to learn. Although that didn't deter him so Sakiya watched on amused as he tried and tried again to land a meaningful hit on it while almost every time he failed, unable to keep up with its skill.

Once she even stepped in and tried her luck against it making both boys watch in awe as she avoided and parried every move it made.

She of course gave pointers and tried to help her best in aiding Tanjiro's mission but he was still unable to land a hit. Until today. He had finally bested the doll and Sakiya could tell something had shifted within the young teen. He seemed faster, able to calculate the moves the doll was going to take before it even made them and counter it. Sakiya was extremely proud of him and had requested a large meal for the boy in celebration.

Now though she was extremely tired. She hadn't been sleeping well the last week, the feeling of ominousness lingering around her relaxed mind. Tonight was no different as her face scrunched up in displeasure as the feeling washed over her like a thick blanket of darkness. Something was wrong and she wasn't sure what it was.

This feeling was more intense like tragedy was just about to crest the horizon bringing with it death and despair. Beneath that feeling though was another nagging feeling that wouldn't leave her alone. It was a feeling of anger and desperation. Emotions that were not her own laid snuggled under those that were of her own creation.

She couldn't quite tell where these emotions came from but she knew them all the same and it seemed as they were gaining in strength that the one who did feel them came all that closer to her.

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