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Sakiya's eyes slowly focus back to reality, the pain in her skull intensifying as the humanoid demon lifts her by her braid

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Sakiya's eyes slowly focus back to reality, the pain in her skull intensifying as the humanoid demon lifts her by her braid. She winces, feeling the searing pain shoot through her, but the throbbing in her head only amplifies the chaotic rhythm of her heartbeat. The world around her blurs momentarily as she grapples with the harsh reality of the present.

Amid the physical discomfort, the relentless sound of her heartbeat becomes a persistent drumming in her ears, drowning out the immediate surroundings. Alone with her thoughts, she embraces the pain, using it as a focal point to ground herself. Closing her eyes, she inhales deeply, trying to find a semblance of balance in the midst of the turmoil.

The realization settles within her – It was time to face her past. That day had been horrible and left scars across every part of her being. It was a weak point for her but she needed to change that. The vulnerability she harbors, particularly when it comes to children, has been exploited by Muzan.

She had so much to fight for now and despite her love for her siblings eclipsing everything in existence she needed to let what happened go. She could no longer afford to hold onto that weakness. 

Summoning the strength within, she lets go of the pain, acknowledging it as a necessary step toward healing. The echoes of that fateful day may linger, but she recognizes the importance of releasing the grip her past had on her. The words spoken by her father resonate in her mind, a command to face her duties and let go of the burdens that threaten to weigh her down

'You have a job to do. Its best you return and do it'

The resolve builds within her, fueled by the love for her siblings and a newfound determination. With a deep steadying breath Sakiya's eyes snap open, their white glow blazing with a fierce intensity. The pain radiating across her skull becomes secondary as she channels a surge of strength. Snarling, she swiftly reacts.

Her fingers coil around the hand that had grabbed her, and with a sudden burst of aggression, she lifts herself up, wrapping her legs around the demon's neck. The unexpected counterattack catches the creature off guard, causing it to stumble backward as it grapples with the sudden resistance.

Ethereum ||Demon Slayer Various|| *On Hold 5/22/2024Where stories live. Discover now