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"Why do you hold such grief within you, demon child?"

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"Why do you hold such grief within you, demon child?"

The boy who had been staring at the moon looks over his shoulder at Sakiya, his cold blue eyes stare into her soft violet ones as he studies her. "Your kind are killing my family" he mutters as he turns to fully face her.

"There's more than that though. I feel your anguish as if it's my own. It's an old pain accompanied by a longing mirroring the same longing I feel. What is it that you long for?" Sakiya asks, tilting her head to the side as she stares down at the child.

The boy pauses as he considers her question "I want a family" he finally says and tsks afterwards as he feels yet another one of his family members get killed "I want a competent family that had strong bonds"

Sakiya stares at him for a few moments allowing the boy to get a better look at her. Despite the cold facade that she puts up he can clearly feel her aura. Blurred images of the past try to break through as the distant but familiar feeling she gives off floods him. He shakes harder as he tries to push away the emotions and he glares at her.

"What have you come here for, human? If it's to try and kill me then you will be surprised to find out that you won't be able to" he hisses his eyes shaking. .

Sakiya merely hums as she further tries to dissect the boy "I'm not going to hurt you unless you give me a reason to demon child" she says and steps out of the shadows letting the moonlight fully illuminate her.

The boy's eyes widen as he takes in her features recognizing the spider lily pattern around her eye. "You are the girl my master wants," he murmurs lowly.

"I am well aware of your master's desire to obtain me. But we weren't talking about him and his wants were we. We were talking about yours" Sakiya says and sheiths her blade back within its holder.

The boy narrows his eyes at her yet again irritated with her words "I already told you what I wanted"

"And yet what you truly desire is not what you have obtained is it?"

The boy's mouth drops open and he goes to speak only for the words to fall flat on his tongue. Gritting his teeth he shakes his head "You know nothing of which you speak about, human. I have a family. We have forged strong bonds. That is exactly what I wanted"

Ethereum ||Demon Slayer Various|| *On Hold 5/22/2024Where stories live. Discover now