||~𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫~||

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Sakiya blinks rapidly as she tries to clear her sight from the blurred image of her surroundings

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Sakiya blinks rapidly as she tries to clear her sight from the blurred image of her surroundings. As her vision clears she stands still upon the sight of her old home before her. Confusion fills her mind as it looks brighter and more welcoming, a stark difference from the one she had been forced from all those years ago.

'Yoriichi?' she calls out but the bond between the two is silent making her heart start to race.

She looks around slowly but a familiar voice catches her attention "NEE-CHAN!!!"

Her head snaps back over to the house and her eyes widen in disbelief as she sees Haruki and Kyoko tumble out of the front door, their clumsy little feet bare as they pound against the dirt and towards her. Sakiya feels the air being sucked from her lungs as she falls to her knees and opens her arms embracing the twins.

Giggles erupt from their mouths as they snuggle against her warm embrace. Tears drip from Sakiya's eyes as she holds them tightly, kissing their heads and breaths in the familiar scent of pine and mint that lingers on them from the homemade soap she used to make.

"We missed you nee-chan. Why were you gone for so long?" Haruki asks, pulling back slightly as his plumb colored eyes gaze up at her curiously.

"I'm sorry Haru, Koko. I'm so sorry. I promise you I didn't want to be gone for that long but I am here now" She whispers laying her head atop thiers.

Another pair of arms wrap around the three and Sakiya lets out a choked sob as Daichi smiles down at her. "Daichi" she whimpers and buries her head into his collar. Daichi pets her hair as she cries allowing her to work through the intense emotions she feels.

"Hey there Sakiya. You've been busy haven't you?" he asks, poking her pink nose as she continues to sniffle.

She lets out a watery laugh and nods "I guess you could say that Dai" her smile fades though as reality sets in when her older brother helps her stand the two watching the twins take off running towards the stream. "I'm dead aren't I? There's no way I could be here with you if I wasn't" Sakiya says her voice somber.

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