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Birds chirping was the first thing that welcomed Sakiya back to the waking world

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Birds chirping was the first thing that welcomed Sakiya back to the waking world. As her eyes flutter open her other senses awaken and she blinks trying to gather her bearings. The sedative that she had consumed throughout her journey still lingered and caused a gentle fog to settle over her. It was indeed a strong dosage as it still affected her so much. As her sight focuses she realizes that she was laid out on a tatami mat in front of two shoji sliding doors that were partially open.

Turning her head she stares out the doors at the garden outside the room she was in. Two doves sat in one of the large red maple trees singing to each other as the sun's rays drift through the leaves leaving spots of light on the ground below. Sakiya blinks again taking in a deep breath of the fresh mountain air.

"Aikawa-sama" a gentle voice says and Sakiya turns her attention to a small woman who smiles at her gently from where she kneels at her side "It's good to see you finally awake. My name is Cho I have been tasked with taking care of your while you slept"

"I see. Thank you Cho-san" The small woman helps Sakiya sit up "How long have I been here Cho-san?"

"A little over a day. You're arrival has brought many whispers especially concerning that of your companion"

Sakiya looks away from the woman and her eyes flicker around the room in search of said companion. She spots the box that Kokushibo had given her at the start of her journey and relaxes as she senses Rui sleeping within its confines.

"The chief of the village is looking forward to meeting with you. Once you dress I will lead you to his home" Cho says and slides a folded Kimono towards Sakiya. The violet haired woman watches as Cho bows and leaves the room giving her privacy.

Sakiya gingerly picks up the kimono and slips it on before walking over to the box. Crouching down she opens the door slightly, her eyes softening as she takes in Rui's sleeping form. Reaching in, she pets his head smiling as he snuggles into her touch. "Sleep well Rui. I'll be back soon"

Walking to the sliding doors she slips out and follows Cho through the village. Her eyes take in every detail of this small but important place noticing how those that walk by look in her direction. Though she could not see their features she knew they were staring at her and could feel their awe and apprehension quite clearly.

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