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Tanjiro clutches Sakiya's hand as he walks through the village

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Tanjiro clutches Sakiya's hand as he walks through the village. His head keeps whipping to each person talking as they murmur about a man named Kazumi.

"It's so sad. Absolutely dreadful that when night falls another girl will be taken" a woman murmurs a hand over her mouth as the two others she is with mutter alongside her.

Saikya looks over to see a man stumbling down the path looking thoroughly defeated and she tugs on Tanjor's sleeve.

He turns to look at her before focusing on the man "Kazumi-san!" Tanjiro shouts and the man slowly turns to look at the two pain flashing across his face as he sees their intertwined hands. "I would like to hear your story about what happened to you!"

The man stares at the two of them before turning swiftly and leading them deeper into the village. "You aren't going to believe me. Nobody does" he says in a discouraged tone.

"We will!" Tanjiro exclaims as they come to a stop.

"This is where it happened. We were just walking and she was right behind me. I swear she was right behind me but she suddenly vanished" The man's pained voice makes Tanjiro frown "you may not believe me but she just vanished. It was like she was never there in the first place"

"We believe you Kazumi-san" Sakiya reassures the man as Tanjiro sniffs around trying to detect anything.

Kokushibo scratches lightly at the box catching Kazumi's attention and he looks warily at the girl who the box is attached to. 'Her aura is so cold. The strength it holds is almost suffocating. Who are these two?'

Kazumi follows the duo as they seem to be tracking something across the village. "So this thing targets young girls?" Sakiya asks and Tanjiro nods in response.

"Yeah from what I overheard it takes sixteen year old girls each night"

Sakiya sighs at this "Damn"

"Do you think you could draw it out Sakiya?"

Sakiya looks over at Tanjiro's hopeful expression before shaking her head "I'm too old. But I think I have another idea. Tanjiro you will need to stay here until I signal you"

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