Return to Sender

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt. Bolt got powers for realies, that a word right? Anywho, Chase wants to beat Bolt in a race because of his pride. Now we get to see who is faster right after the mission is complete hopefully. 

Ryder POV

I feel like we got a new member of the paw patrol. Maybe he should be a part of the paw patrol. I got to focus, we have to take care of Harold's robots. From what everyone said, his super bark can create a big force just from his bark. Much like Chase but better. I hope he isn't jealous. I saw Bolt slam right into the wall, honestly, it was funny for-


We both look back and saw something is being thrown right at us. We both stood there frozen in place. It was about to hit us until.

Chase: *BARK* Are you guys okay?! Please tell me you guys are okay?!

Bolt: We wouldn't be okay until you did your super bark. Thank you, Chase. I couldn't have done mines since it was too powerful. 

Ryder: Thank you, Chase, we got no time to lose. Come with my Bolt. We need you to get suited up for this mission.

He followed me to the elevator and we both headed down to my garage. I told him to get on the metal board where my ATV used to be. I move my ATV off to the side. He got on, and I lift the platform. 

Bolt: What's going to happen?

Ryder: I'm going to do a quick scan to make I get the right dimensions, it will be quick.

I reassured him that everything is going to be fine. I have to be quick.

Ryder: Okay you are done, let's go! Get on my ATV, if I'm correct. They should be on the beach or before it. 

I open the garage door and I hit the gas hard. We made our way towards the beach and I was correct. They were still approaching the beach. We made it just in time. 

Ryder: Bolt, speak...

Bolt: Oka- What did you just said?

Ryder: Umm Bolt, speak?

Bolt: Penny...

Ryder: Um what? Who is-

Bolt: My owner! She is waiting for me! I'm sorry, but I have to go meet her!

He is super fast, but couldn't control it well. I try to call out for him that we can help him. I think he is out of my range, so I have to call someone I knew well.

Ryder: I need your help! Bolt left, I need you to go get him. Get everyone else. 

Chase: On it!

Ryder: These robots are getting close to the beach. It's a good thing that they are slow. 

I should look for a good point to strike. I hear vehicles approaching and I know who those are. It was the pups, along with Mittens and Rhino. 

Chase: I wanted to stop them, but they went so persistent. You know you guys will be in danger right?

Rhino: Eh don't worry we got Bolt on our side.

Ryder: About that...

I told them what happened, and their expression changed except for Rhino.

Rhino: It's fine. We all got plot armor right?

Zuma: Plot what?

Rhino said not to worry about it. He's right, we got a bigger matter to focus on right now. I told the pups some striking points to get the robots back. All while Chase catches up to Bolt.  I wonder what happened?

Bolt POV

I have to get back to her. She is all I have ever known. How can I completely forget about her? I have to find her. I need...I need...I need MITTENS! She must be behind this! I head back to where I come from, but unfortunately, I got lost. For once, I stop running and look around. Maybe I can ask someone for help. Wait, can people even understand me even though I am a pup, well dog. 

Bolt: Um excuse me, do you know where am I right now?

???: You are at the town hall of Adventure. My name is Goodway, what's your name?

Bolt: My name is Bolt. I kinda lost my owner.

Goodway: Well, where did you last see her?

Bolt: Well, the last time I saw her here was when she got taken away by Callahan, a villain whom I'm fighting against.

Goodway: Okay...I know a group of people that can help. They are called the Paw Patrol.

Bolt: Oh right those guys...OH SHOOT! I have to go bye!

I quickly left her and go towards the beach, and that was the problem.

Goodway: Bye and hello again? 

Bolt: Sorry, where is the beach? 

Goodway: Um over there, where those giant robots are.

Bolt: Oh...thank you Goodway!

Goodway: Your welcome!

It was her last words before I head off, and I noticed a fast vehicle is on my tail. I look back and it was Chase in a police vehicle that is...flowing?

Chase: Hover vehicle, the vehicle is super-powered, let's go!

I got on his vehicle and we both headed to the ocean. Once I got there, these robots are trying to attack the pups, but the pups were quicker.

Harold: Nice try pups, no amount of force is able to penetrate through my army.


Everyone heard me and they all backed off from those giant robots. 

Harold: What can you do you pesky pup, well dog in your golden gear! The only dog! Sneeze hard at me? 

Bolt: Oh I will show you!

I get ready with my super bark. I was ready to bark hard at this person. Here it comes!

(Hehe I reuse it, whatchu gonna do about it? Don't report me well don't pls)

Everything in front of me is now gone. Harold whose was inside a robot fell in which he was caught by Skye.



Harold: Grrrr, I will be back!

He ran away from us in which we all just grin.

Ryder: Well that work, maybe too well. Look at all of the damage it cause, well the bridge is in pieces and luckily, nothing else.

Bolt: Man I know its powerful, but I didn't think it was too powerful. 

???: HEY!

To be continued...

Author's Note: Bolt is a great movie, prove me wrong.

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