One Last Hope

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, the team was fighting hard through the sandstorm before they realize that there's a spy. Most of the team have fallen and been put into the same fate as Mittens and Chase. The only ones left were Bolt and Marshall who believe that they are safe...or so they thought. It didn't take long for Widow to move them towards the cage. HOW WOULD THIS END?!?!?!

Marshall and Bolt were slowly heading towards the cage through telekinesis. Marshall uses his fireballs to get Widow out of hiding, but it failed. hey were then taken to meet a similar fate as their friends. They were getting closer to the entrance of the cage. Everyone was surprised, but they had one thing on their mind.

In everyone's mind: D-did...we lose?

Meanwhile nearby...

Tuck was sneaking around when he saw Marshall and Bolt inside the building.

Tuck: (To himself) They're here, but where are the others?

Tuck decides to follow them and is willing to protect them incase things goes south. Tuck was watching them as they encounter both Tux and Widow. Tuck was now seeing Marshall and Bolt being slowly taken towards the cage with no Widow in sight. Tuck tries to look around for him in an event for him to lose focus on the two, but he couldn't find him.

Tuck: Hmm...I got an idea. 

Tuck tries to speak to someone on the outside through the gear's intercom system.

Meanwhile outside...

Rhino and Ella were stilling fighting one another, but they were exhausted. They appeared to be equal with one another.

Rhino: Huh...y-you're good.

Ella: (Sigh) S-so are you. This can only go one way. 

Tuck: Rhino? Rhino are you there?

Rhino: Y-yeah...(sigh).

Tuck: I need you to strike the ground. Everyone here is captured inside of a cage. Widow now has Marshall and Bolt in his grasp and is slowly being captured through telekinesis. I need you to strike the ground quickly so that Widow can lose his focus on them. 

Rhino: I-I'll try...(Sigh)...

Tucks ended the call. Rhino now has to find a way to deal with Ella, while trying to help his team. Rhino was trying to think of something, which was enough to catch him off guard as Ella takes advantage of this. Ella was able to pin Rhino down onto the ground with his face facing the ground giving Rhino a hard position to work with. 

Ella: Don't let your guard down.

Tuck: (Calls in) They're getting close!

Rage started to build inside of Rhino.

Ella: Don't worry about them. The only thing you'll have to worry about is me.

Rhino: That's what you think Ella. 

Rhino uses all of his might to push Ella off of his back. Ella was stun for a bit before jumping into the air to try to dog pile Rhino. Rhino was able to counter her attack by trying to move behind her before she could land. Rhino was then able to grab her back before jumping into the air with Ella to perform a suplex on her. Rhino was able to knock Ella unconscious, while causing the ground to shake hard. Hard enough that it help his team.

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