A Different Path

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, Mittens met an old friend who happens to be hubcap. The two talked and learn more about how similar they are with one another. After consoling, it takes a turn when hubcap tried to escape, but failed. They talk last time before pursuing Bolt once more. Onto the show!

Ryder: That's one thing out of the way. Now let's find Bolt. I hope that he isn't in any trouble.

Meanwhile in barkingburg...

Bolt: AHHH!!

Bolt dodges the incoming fireballs from a dragon in the sky.

Bolt: DRAGONS?! Why are there dragons?! Aren't they supposed to be dead or something?!

Princess: BOLT!! Come here!!

The princess waves her arms to signal Bolt to come back to the castle. Bolt uses his super speed to get to the castle, but no one in the castle witness his powers. The draw bridge was quickly raised. 

Bolt: What is going on? Why is there a dragon here? 

Earl: That is because of a naughty pup named Claw. He once became a knight before being corrupt with power. There's even a story book about him. 

Princess: We have to stop him before he breaks in. (Realizes something) Wait, how did you get-

The whole castle begins to rumble as Sparks launch another fireball at the castle.

Bolt: How did I what now?

Princess: Ah, let's not worry about that right now. Let's first focus on those two.

Bolt: Don't we have artillery or something? We're sitting ducks. 

Princess: Well, we need the rescue knights. 

Bolt: Where are they?

Princess: They are the paw patrol. I called them earlier and they're on their way. 

Bolt: Really? So we have nothing to defend against them right now. 

Sweetie: I'm afraid so.

Sweetie comes up to the crew with busby by her side. Busby is holding a plate of a piece of  a burger in its head. The castle shook once again by Sparks attack.

Claw: Mwahahah. Surrender now Princess. 

Princess: Never you naughty pup.

Bolt: (Realizes something) Actually, there is something I can do. It might be risky for me.

Princess: What do you plan to do?

Bolt: I plan to take down that dragon.

Princess: How? 

Bolt: I can use my laser vision on the wings so that it could remain on the ground.

Princess: Okay??? You have super powers? 

Bolt: I do. 

Princess: Then what?

Bolt: And...I'm not sure. 

Sweetie: H-how about trying to find a way to make him immobilize? 

Bolt: That could work! I just need some rope. 

Sweetie: There should be some in the castle. The only problem is that I'm not sure where exactly. 

Bolt: I can check it out. 

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