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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, Mindy called Ryder for helped in which the agent noticed with his the help of his goons and decided to control her in which caught Ryder's attention. During this time, Bolt and Widow meets up with Liberty who broke the news to the two before deciding to help them. Liberty calls up Ryder and told him about Bolt. LET'S SA GO!!!

Liberty was currently on a call with Ryder and the rest of the Paw Patrol team along with Mittens and Rhino.

Ryder: What's up Liberty?

Liberty: We need ride.

Ryder: Whose we?

Liberty: Me, Widow, and Bolt.

Everyone: BOLT?!?!

Liberty: I know right? It's a long story that I can tell you guys later, but we need help.

Ryder: We're on our way. You should stop at the lookout there.

Liberty: On it! 

Liberty ended the call before directing her attention to the two again.

Liberty: Alright guys, follow me.

Bolt: Alright.

Widow: Did I just saw a ten year old boy?

Liberty: Yes, yes you did. 

Bolt: Don't forget that I met him too. It's weird, but he really good at what he does.

Widow: Just how.

Liberty: Ehh don't worry about it too much. Let's go.

The three head over to the lookout at Adventure city. The three turned the corner to see the giant lookout in the distance.

Bolt: There's another lookout here?

Liberty: Oh yeah. There are others lookouts, but they're all in Adventure bay. Each are a different variation depending on the situation. 

Widow: Just how rich is this kid? I bet his parents are proud.

Liberty stops and looks directly at Widow.

Liberty: (Serious tone) We have one rule. That rule is to never mention about Ryder's parents.

Bolt and Widow stepped back in shocked. All of sudden, Liberty starts to laugh hysterically.

Liberty: I'm kidding. Ryder's parents are around...somewhere. He didn't really say anything about them, but he isn't too worried about them. Anyways, hurry up!

Liberty runs over to the lookout leaving behind a daze Bolt and Widow.

Widow: That was weird.

Bolt: Tell me about it. 

The three finally arrives the lookout and enters it.

Bolt: Woah! This place is huge.

Widow: Just how? It's not that easy to much money...right?

Liberty: Ryder said something about merch, but I kind of forget about it. Speaking of Ryder, he should be here in a bit.

As Liberty finishes her sentence, the Paw Patrol arrives. Out of the three, Bolt was a bit nervous about meeting them again. The doors opened up revealing everyone.

Ryder: Hey guys! How's it going?

Liberty: Pretty good.

Widow: Ehh, could be better.

Paw Patrol meet BoltWhere stories live. Discover now