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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, the trio heads further into the studio to find out that the agent was the one causing problems. After finding an old friend they all head back to the Paw Patroller to get more info out of him after facing some obstacles. After reaching the lookout once more they decide to get some sleep before devising a plan...(Yawn)...good night and onward!!! 

Ryder: We must get some sleep. We can't work with no sleep. Good night everyone. I'll set some beds up for you five.


Contractor: ...Excellent! 

The agent / contractor watches as scene he prepared for the movie was finally complete. 

Contractor: There's nothing like a good movie like this! I wonder what those guys are planning? 

Meanwhile back at the lookout...

Everyone was sound asleep...except for one...

Chase: ...

Chase gets up from his pup house and goes far away from the lookout. Once he was away, he makes sures that nobody was around before making a call.

Chase: Contractor sir! (Salutes)

Contractor: (Smiles) Tell me everything.

Chase: The Paw Patrol plans to beat you tomorrow. They're going to use their super powers to overpower you along with some additional help. 

Contractor: More help? Who are they?

Chase: More members of the Paw Patrol.

Contractor: (Sigh) That kid is making life more harder than what's it supposed to be. I need to crunch the numbers. 

The contractor was thinking before he got an idea.

Contractor: I got an idea, but what's your super power?

Chase: Super speed and mega bark. I can only use mega bark after I charged up.

Contractor: Charged up? What's that?

Chase: It is when I make contact with another super powered ally. At the same time, the ally will also be charged up as me.

Contractor: Interesting! Alright, lay low for a while and try to find someone that we can assimilate. Heh, maybe I could use them for my movie. 

Chase: Affirmative.

The contractor ends the call before Chase runs back to the lookout to his pup house. One pup in particular was awaken due to the amount of noise Chase was making and it was...

Skye: (Yawns) (Opens an eye and notices Chase) C-chase?

Chase freezes in place and stares at her. Chase quickly acts.

Chase: Oh hey Skye.

Skye: What...(Yawns) are you doing up so late.

Chase: I...couldn't get some sleep.

Skye: Did those people give you a hard time.

Chase: Y-yeah. I did not expect that at all. It kind of messed me up a bit. 

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