A Battle of Wits

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, Marshall and Bolt were about to be put into the cage by Widow, but fortunately Tuck was there and had an idea in mind. Tuck put his idea into motion with the help of Rhino by knocking out Ella creating a strong impact on the fortress. It allowed Bolt escape just in time before Widow got back up, but not before Tuck swoops in and locks Widow in the cage with the others. ONWARD!!!

There were two opposing sides facing one another. Bolt's crew and the remaining paw patrol members. 

Skye & Rocky & Rubble: Fighting is futile. Come join us.

Bolt: Creepy but no thank you. We're here to take back what's ours.

Rhino: I always wanted to say this...CHARGE!!!

The two teams begins running at each other...ready to fight!!! Each member took on one another. Rubble vs Tuck, Skye vs Rhino, and Rocky vs Bolt. The scene then take places between Rubble and Tuck.

Rubble was striking furious punches at Tuck, but he was too quick for Rubble. 

Tuck: Come on buddy. I know you're in there.

Rubble: ...

Rubble manage to land a pawunch at Tuck, which sends his across the room. He also ended up knocking over some stuff in the process...especially a radio that suddenly turns on providing some battle music.

(If you don't like this then you can pick one for yourself :D)

Tuck: (Grunts) (To himself) He's slow, but he hits like a truck. He hasn't even use his super powers yet. You got this Tuck. I'm more faster and nimble than him.

Tuck gets back up and faces towards Rubble who also stands his ground. Two go at each other. Rubble throws many hard jabs at Tuck, but he quickly avoids them all. Tuck sees an opportunity and strikes him several times to which Rubble has no response to it. Tuck quickly gets on his side and punch his on the side of the body so hard that he sent him flying towards a wall. The wall then begins to collapse on him.

Tuck: (To himself) Woah...t-this actually feels great. I should really fight more often. I definitely gotten more stronger.

A yellow glow was flashing across the room. Tuck looks in the distance to see two glowing yellow eyes that says...death on him. All of the debris around him starts to eradicate due to Rubble's power increase.

Tuck: (Gulp) You're not the only one. 

Tuck starts to emit a blue and red glow, which also cause the debris around to him to eradicate. Rubble then throws a big rock at Tuck, but Tuck shrinks down to evade the rock. As Tuck was reverting back to his size Rubble was there and was able to land a hit on Tuck causing him to fly for a bit before regaining his footing. Tuck then shrinks down to be away of Rubble's vision. Rubble looks really hard to find Tuck, but the debris made it hard to track him. Tuck got really close enough to go under him. He uses the opportunity to land an upper cut while reverting back to his size. 

Tuck: HIYAH!!!

Rubble: UGH!!!

Scenes then cuts over to Skye vs Rhino. Skye decided to take the fight outside and Rhino follow in pursuit of her. Rhino followed Skye on top of fortress walls. Rhino lost sight of her as he landed. 

Rhino: Where did she go? I was just-

In that moment, Skye was right behind him and try to strike him, but Rhino was able to evade her and was able to counterattack. Skye was then launch back into the air before regaining her balance.

Rhino: This feels like a boss battle...and I'm here for it!

Skye started to emit a pink glow around her as Rhino also begin to emit a brown glow around himself. Skye immediately created a thunderstorm along with small tornado that she launch at Rhino. Rhino saw the tornado approaching him quickly and he thought of an idea. Rhino grew in size before becoming a ball. The tornado then consume Rhino. There was silence for a second. Skye scan the area for Rhino before getting closer to get a better look. Skye was getting closer and closer before she noticed something brown inside of the tornado. 

Rhino: Take this!!!

Rhino uses the tornado to get himself enough momentum to hit Skye. Rhino quickly strike Skye in his ball form. Skye was being launch in dazed as Rhino was soaring through the air from his attack.

Rhino: WOOHOO!!!

In that moment, Rhino got hit by a thunderbolt.


Rhino was badly damaged, but still had the will to fight. 

Rhino: (Grunting) (To himself) I got lucky with that...ow...I must not get hit by the thunderbolt...or any of her weather attacks. She can't hit that hard so she must hit me at a long range. Good to know. 

Rhino was slowly being sucked by the tornado once more in which he tries to use it once more before the tornado disappeared. Rhino then landed back on the fortress wall in which he sees Skye approaching once more. 

Rhino: Alright, let's do this!!

Scene then cuts over to Bolt and Rocky who also took the fight outside of the fortress. The two were standing away from one another with their guard up. 

Bolt: (To himself) Alright Rocky. Let's see what you got. 

Bolt took a deep breath and glare at Rocky once more as Rocky done the same. Bolt uses his super speed to get close and launch a barrage of pawunches at Rocky in which each landed on him. Bolt send Rocky one last pawunch, which sent him flying across the field. Rocky then creates a giant green hand to catch himself. 

Bolt: (To himself) Looks like this is going to be harder than I thought it will be. 

Rocky then uses his powers to create tools to use against Bolt. Rocky first uses a hammer to strike down at Bolt. Bolt quickly evades his attacks before Rocky starts to create more hammer to use. Bolt easily evade all of his attacks. Rocky traps Bolt by creating a dome around him in which resulted to Bolt hitting his head on the dome.

Bolt: (To himself) OWW!!!

Bolt looked around to see a giant dome that's on him. Bolt then strike the dome using his super strength, but nothing happened. The dome then started to close on him quickly. Bolt steps back and looks at Rocky.

Bolt: You're asking for this.

Bolt stands on his ground and close his eyes. The dome was getting smaller and smaller as Bolt was getting ready. A yellowish and orangish glow was coming out of Bolt in which Rocky also glows green as he closes the dome faster.


Bolt uses his super bark to break through the dome causing an impact that launch Rocky far away.

Bolt: (To himself) It's been a while since I had to use that move. It's a good thing that I cause minimal damage. That's should buy me a bit of time to recover for a bit. It looks like he needs concentration in order for him to create those energy tools. I just need to break it as he attacks. We're one step closer to the Contractor. 

Bolt, Tuck, and Rhino: You may have start this, but I'm finishing this!

To be continued...

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