Rekindle Heart

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, the gang retreated back to the lookout. They begin discussing a new plan before they realize that Bolt was missing. Minutes later, they now discovered that Bolt was with Sweetie at Barkingburg. Ryder then tries to bring in the Cat Pack, but they too were chased by none other than the Contractor along with the Ruff Ruff Pack. LETSAGOOOO plus a bit of retconning in the last chapter, but LETSA GOOOO!!!

The ice that Chase was in begins to crack. Everyone quickly let go to see the ice slowly cracking revealing Chase.

Ryder: Chase...

Chase: ...

Everyone was now staring at Chase at he stares right back at them. Silence filled the room. 

Marshall: ...Chase...I know you're in there.

Chase: . . .

The scene then takes places in Chase's mind.

Mind Chase: (Starts tearing up) GRRRRRRRR!!!!!! 

Mind Chase grabs a hold of his makeshift cell and starts swinging it back and forth. 

Mind Chase: (To himself) No one...and I mean...NO ONE TAKES AWAY MY FAMILY AWAY FROM ME!!! 

The cell starts to rock harder and harder.

Mind Chase: pup...a patrol member...and a family to all...

The cell broke and Mind Chase starts falling into the black void.

Mind Chase: No matter where I go...I will always fight...because this is the last life I'm going to have...and I want cherish it with the ones I love...

Mind Chase gets deeper and deeper into the void before the void meet him fully. The scene then takes place back inside the lookout. All of sudden, Chase collapses onto the floor. 

Everest: Uh...Ryder?

Ryder: ...Let's put him on the couch for now. Let's wait for the others to arrive. 

Not too long after, Bolt arrived with Sweetie in her pup house (A bit of reconning  for Bolt here). 

Everyone: BOLT!!!

Everyone was happy to see Bolt leaving Sweetie alone. Sweetie was a bit angry at them. 

Sweetie: (Pretends to cough)

Everyone had a mixed reaction to Sweetie being here, while others didn't knew her.

Sweetie: At least acknowledge me. 

Bolt stepped up for her. 

Bolt: Come on guys. 

Mittens: But we don't-

Bolt: (Interrupts) I didn't mean you guys (Bolt's crew). I meant the Paw Patrol. She helped me get over to the studio. 

The Paw Patrol were a bit reluctant, but they welcome Sweetie.

Sweetie: I'll promise to be better. 

Chase: You sure?

Everyone was startled to see Chase awake on the couch. Silence filled the room once more.

Sweetie: (Sigh) On my heart. 

Everyone except Sweetie wasn't aware of the situation going on. Sweetie didn't noticed that Chase was frozen during their call. Everyone didn't know what to do next.

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