An Old Friend

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, there was a split between Bolt and the rest due to tensions being high. Bolt left unknowingly towards Barkingburg, where he meets princess. The rest were on a mission, which lead to Mittens finding an old friend. Onwards to the show!


A couple of years ago before Mittens was left behind was a nice neighborhood in Buckhead, Georgia. In one of the homes was Mittens with her owner named Samantha. The two were inseparable.

Samantha: Come on Mittens! Come get the ball of yarn. (Rolls a ball of yarn over to a young Mittens)

Mittens grabs the ball of yarn and begins on playing with it. The two were playing with joy. Samantha then had the idea to take Mittens on a walk.

Samantha: Come on Mittens. Let's take you for a walk.

Mittens: Meow. 

Samantha struggles to get Mittens on a leash before deciding to not put it on in hopes it will follow her. Luckily enough, Mittens follow Samantha as they walk around the neighborhood. That was when they encountered a pup owner. Both owners looked at each in fear for what's about to happen.

???: Wait! Don't get closer or-

The pup escapes his owner hands and ran towards Mittens. Mittens ran towards a tree to escape the pup. The pup kept barking, while the owners were talking to one another about the situation. Meanwhile...

???: Get down here you pesky cat!!

Mittens: No. 

???: I will come after you!

Mittens: (Chilling on the tree) I would like to see you try.

???: (Tries to climb the tree, but fails due to lack of grip) GRR!

Mittens: Oh you were so close. Oh wait, you weren't. 

???: (Tries again, but fails and becomes tired) Ugh, you win okay? Can you come down already.

Mittens: Yeeaahhh no. 

???: (Does the cute pup face) Pwease?

Mittens get disgusted before deciding whether to come down or not

Mittens: How do I know that you're not lying?

???: (Crosses his heart) (Sighs) I promise. The last thing I want is to not upset my owner.

Mittens: (Raises eyebrow) For a pup, you are actually smart. 

???: I get that a lot.

Mittens clearly tells that he is lying.

Mittens: So what's your name?

???: My name is...Hubcap. What's your name?

Mittens: My name is Mittens. What is it to you?

Hubcap: Can't blame a pup for wanting to get a cat. 

Mittens: I guess. 

Hubcap: Yeah. Can I touch your fur?

Mittens: (Steps back) What?!

Hubcap: Sorry, I kind of have a soft spot for cats and kittens. They have soft fur.

Grudgingly, Mittens let Hubcap touch her fur.

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