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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, Bolt and Sweetie escaped the ruin castle just in time. The moment between the two shortly lasted as it was interrupted by Sparks. Bolt uses his powers and with the help of Sweetie to take down the dragon. Afterwards, Bolt left with Sweetie to return home. The Paw Patrol begin rebuilding the castle as they discovered what happened there. Onwards!!!

Bolt: Oh come on!

Bolt is inside of a temple, where he's in a room with fire shooting out of the walls randomly.

Bolt: (Sigh) Duty calls. 

Bolt dodges the incoming fire. At he reach the end, he sees Penny in the distance that is currently dangling from the ceiling. She is being dropped slowly towards a pit full of lava. 

Penny: Bolt help!!!

Bolt: (Barks) (Translation: Coming!!)

Bolt was feet away from her until he got strike in his back by fire that shot from above. Bolt begin to panic from the fire that was on his back. Instead of moving forward, he went back towards the entrance in fear.

???: CUT!!!

Everything has now stopped. The incoming fire from the walls ceased and so did the rope that was dropping penny. A personal went up to Penny and release her from the rope. Another personal came with a water bucket towards Bolt that running around the set. Bolt was now drenched in water with a relief expression on his face before returning to his cage

???: Oh man why did we have to lose him. It's fine, we can still work with this. 

Penny: Do we have to do this? This isn't the same anymore. 

Agent: As your agent, you sign a contract. In that contract, you are obligated to follow what is needed of you. I'm sorry kid, but the show must go on. What you're doing is helping out a lot of people. Even if your best friend is replaced. But hey, at least you still got him. (Points at Bolt)

Penny: (Mad) That's not MY Bolt. If we took Bolt home earlier then none-

Agent: (Interrupts) Oh wait you see that right there in your shirt. (Acts as if he's holding a pin) That's a pin and let's put it right here. Let's go. You got an interview with Hailey Daily in a place called Adventure City in a few days. Here are some of the questions she will be asking you. Just remember to smile okay? Okay. 

The two walked with the rest of the team that was also helping her in different ways such as her hair, costumes, etc. After couple of hours, Penny then heads back to her trailer to get something to eat. As she grabs a sandwich, she looks back at the wall of photos. 

Penny: (Sad) Oh Bolt, where are you? 

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Penny: (Sad) Oh Bolt, where are you? 

Seconds later, Penny's mother comes in to check up on her.

Penny's mother: How are you doing baby? 

Penny: (Looks away at the wall and draws her attention at her sandwich) Good. 

Penny's mother look at what Penny was looking at before and understands. She hugs her daughter.

Penny's mother: How was work?

Penny: Could be better. (Sigh) This isn't the same. I wish Bolt was here. MY bolt instead of that other dog. 

Penny's mother: This isn't your fault. 

Penny: Maybe we should-

Penny's agent comes in and noticed the two hugging.

Agent: Oh this is a bad time? 

Penny's mother: Uh...yeah! 

Agent: Welp, sorry to interrupt but that interview was moved up to tomorrow. We need to leave. We have packed everything and it's in the car. 

Penny and her mother look over the agent shoulder to see a Cadillac Escalade with a guy in the driver seat that is currently waiting for them

Agent: I'll be in the car.

The agent left leaving those two alone in the trailer.

Penny's mother: What were you about to say honey?

Penny: Nothing. It was just an idea that I had. 

Penny's mother: Alright, take care baby and please call me when you get there. Don't be afraid to tell me anything okay? Oh! Don't forget to take lots of photos while you're there okay?

Penny: (Chuckles) (Smiles) Alright alright. Thanks mom. 

Penny's mother: I will also tune into your interview with her. 

Penny's mother kissed Penny on the forehead before walking with her to the car. 

Penny: I will see you when the weekend is over. 

Penny was about to enter before hugging her mother once more in which she also embrace the hug.

Agent: While I hate to ruin the precious moment, we need to get going. We got a long drive superstar. 

Penny enter the vehicle and they drove off. In that moment, Penny realize something.

Penny: Wait, what's going to happen? I know that the show will need to keep on going each day. 

Agent: Oh don't worry about that. We hired another actor that looks just like you for situations like these. 

Penny felted insulted since she realized that she can be easily replaced by someone that can look like her. This only added onto her idea that she is considered for a while. Penny then look at the windows, towards her surroundings. She watch cars go by and planes flying above her. She then draws her attention towards the clouds. One of the clouds she observed roughly resembles Bolt. She ponders about where Bolt could be. 


The bolt actor from earlier was outside at the main entrance of the building where no one is around.

Bolt actor: (Sigh) (To himself) I can't do this anymore. The amount of pain I have to put up in these sets just because they needed a replacement of the original. I should leave-

In that moment, a jet pulled up on the main entrance. The jet then transformed into a car. The actor was surprised at the vehicle for the way it transformed. A west highland white terrier pup came out along with a white swiss shepherd dog that resembles a whole lot like the actor. The two that were in the vehicle didn't notice the actor until they got out of the vehicle. The two then locked eyes with the dog that was now in front of them wondering why he resembles whole lot like Bolt. 

Bolt and Bolt actor: Who are you?

To be continued...

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