A New Villain Arises

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, Max was relaxing with other dogs at the dog park when he received news about where Penny really was so he decided to head back over to the studio. No longer after, Max was captured by the agent's henchmen. Max was brought over to Penny , where he decided to play along as if he was Bolt. After the castle was finish, everyone saw two ON TV and decided that he doesn't need help anymore. A mysterious person then comes across a meteor piece...let's go!

???: I...feel...POWERFUL!!! But...what can I do?

The mysterious person decided to the put the meteor piece into his pocket before looking at his hands. The person then look around and saw a rat that was nibbling on a piece of cheese further down in the alleyway. The person look around to see if anyone is watching and saw no one. The person then decided to uses his power on him. 

???: W-what? Nothing is happening. Hmm.

The mysterious person looked at his hands for a bit before seeing the rat coming up to him.

???: C-can I speak to animals?! (To the rat) Hello?

Rat: ...Squeak

???: I guess that's a no. (Stomach rumbling) I honestly should get something to eat. 

The rat left leaving the person along and not too long after, the rat brought him some expired food.

???: Yeah...no. Wait. If he got that after I said that then...can I control animals mind? I wonder if I can control people as well. What other powers do I have?

The person was performing all sorts of movement to see if he has any other powers. The person then tries to fly by performing the iconic superman pose. He was floating for five seconds the first time. After the second attempt, he was now soaring through the sky.

???: WOOHOO!!! I can fly!!! I need a super hero name for myself. I can fly and control anyone's minds. Hmm. What do you call a person that has these super powers?

After a minute of thinking of random names, he thought of one.

???: I think I should call myself...the Contractor! The name could be better. 

The person watch starts to beep.

Contractor: Oh would you look at the time. I got to get Penny back to the studio. I don't want her to arrive late.

The contractor arrives at hotel that they're were staying at without letting anyone see him. The contractor wipes down his clothes to get any dirt off of him before entering the hotel. He enters the elevator and went to the highest floor. After reaching the 20th floor, he went towards Penny's room. He then knock on Penny's door.

Agent: Are you ready superstar?

Penny: (Muffled) Almost. 

Agent: We'll be waiting in the car for you.

Penny: (Muffled) Alright. Are you ready Bolt?

Max: Bork! (Translation: Yeah, I'm done. I got nothing to do.)

The agent left the two alone and head back towards the elevator. The elevator was playing some nice music.

Agent: (To himself) Okay so I got this power from this rock that I found.

The agent pulls out the meteor piece from his pocket. 

Agent: It looks like...a meteor piece? (Realizes) Wait a minute. I heard that the Paw Patrol have a giant meteor back at their place. If one meteor piece can do this, then I wonder what a giant meteor can do. That's a lot of power. (Looks at his meteor piece) This is a lot of power. I can help out a lot of people with my power. If I control them, then more work could done. That's what I should do.

The driver and Penny were getting their bags in the car.

Agent: (In his mind) Maybe it would be better if I control everyone here for right now. 

Everyone was now inside the car. The agent uses his powers to control the driver, Max, and Penny. Everyone had their heads down before they all look back at the agent.

Agent: Okay that's freaky. At least I know that I can control people after all. Any who, let's roll. You (points at the driver), get us back to the studio. 

The driver follows the agent orders and drive.

Agent: Alright, now for the two of you. Let's get down to business.


Widow: So that's explains why Penny was acting differently earlier.

Tux: Yeah, that Penny was an actor all along and the real one was at Adventure City. Let's go tell Bolt! 

The two cats head over to Bolt. They found that Bolt wasn't there by the time they arrive. They look around and saw that Max's owner was carrying the cage with Bolt in it as he makes his way towards his car. The two cats ran over to the cage to tell Bolt the news, but Max put Bolt in his car. 

Widow: Go make a distraction!

Tux: On it!

Tux got on top of the hood of the car to try to get Max's owner attention.

Max's owner: What the? Aren't you that new cat for the actor for Dr.Calico or something? What are you doing here?

Max's owner went up to him and then Tux lean over to him, wanting to be petted.

Max's owner: So that's what you want huh? Sheesh you gave me a fright.

While Max's owner was distracted, Widow went inside to get to Bolt.

Widow: BOLT!!!

Bolt: (Weakened) What?

Widow: That wasn't Penny you saw earlier.

Bolt: What do you mean? 

Widow: That Penny here was an actor. She wasn't your Penny at all. Your Penny was at this place called Adventure City. 

Bolt: How do you know?

Widow: I saw her on TV and she said something about missing her dog. I think that dog was you. You have to go to her. 

Bolt: How do I know that you're telling the truth? 

Widow: Well I guess you're going to have to trust me. Also the time is ticking. What would it be?

Bolt: ...Get me out of here!

Widow: Now that's my Bolt!

Widow moves the lever on the cage releasing Bolt. However, he still remains in the cage.

Widow: Well? What are you waiting for?

Bolt: I- I don't know how to get to Adventure City.

Widow: (Sigh) You're lucky that I know how to get there. Come on.

Bolt: (Smiles) Thank you. What about you and Tux?

Widow: Ehh, don't worry about it. If anything, Tux can cover me. I don't mind at all. Let's go!

To be continued...

Author's Note: After writing for so long. I prefer writing more Bolt-related chapters than Paw Patrol-related chapters. I'm not sure what y'all like. Bolt chapters are more simpler than Paw Patrol chapters because of their complexity and weird dynamic. I'm not sure if anyone of you notices that at all. Anyways, have a good morning, good afternoon, and good night!

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