A Friend to meet and A Foe to Face

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Previously, things took a turn when Mittens explain to Bolt that everything he knew is fake. This escalated to where Bolt left Adventure Bay and into Barkingburg, where he found a castle. The rest had to complete a mission before reaching their lost friend.

In Barkingburg...

Bolt: (Gets closer to the castle) I'm really hoping that the queen can help me.

Inside the Castle...everyone was standing in the middle of the castle deciding where to hang up a portrait of all them.

Earl: Where should we hang up this painting?

Princess: Hmm, how about over there? (Points at a wall) What do you think Sweetie?

Sweetie: Hmm, I feel like it would be better over there. (Points to different wall)

Earl: What if we-

A sudden white blur ran through the painting the Earl was holding and into the wall hard. They all watch as the dog turned around revealing that's he in the princess place making him appeared as a girl. They all laugh before the dog collapses.

Princess: (Recollect herself) We should help that poor dog.

They all pick up and place the dog in a bedroom and attach a head cloth around its head, where the concussion occurred among other places it injured upon impact.

Earl: I feel sorry for this poor dog.

Princess: Me too. I feel we need more help.

Bolt: (Wakes up and open one eye) Ugh, ow ow ow! (Looks around) Where am I?

Earl: You are in the castle of Barkingburg. You were the one that came bolted through here at such speeds.

Bolt: Castle? Barkingburg? (Remembers) Oh yeah. I need to speak with the queen please!

Earl: Queen? There is no queen here. Only the princess.

Princess: He's right. I'm the Princess of Barkingburg. (Points at Earl) His name is Earl. (Points at Sweetie) And this little pup is Sweetie.

Sweetie: (Blushes) Y-yeah. I'm Sweetie.

Bolt: Oh! I'm sorry your highness. (Bows down to everyone) I- I need your help. 

Princess: What could that be? 

Bolt: I...ACK!! S-sorry, I must have hit something because I don't remember what happen the moment I enter the castle. 

Earl: You see, you ran so fast that you went through the royal highness painting and slam right into the wall. It left quite a mark on your head. We did our best to help you, but it would seem like we would need medical assistance. I just know who to call.

Bolt: Who is that?

Earl: Why our lovely Marshall of course. 

Bolt: NNOOOO!!!!

Everyone in the room is taken by the dog.

Bolt: I- I'm sorry. They can't help me. I tried.

Sweetie: Hmm...is everything alright?

Bolt: Well, I want to get back to Penny.

Princess: Penny?

Bolt: My owner. I lost her through one of my adventures. 

Earl: Adventures you say? Who are you?

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