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Previously...bolt misses his owner penny, all while penny misses his dog. Their eyes are full of sorrow for each other. They didn't know what was happening, but they remained hopeful. Only time will tell what's going to happen to them. Onto the show...

Bolt POV

???: Heads up!

I quickly look at where the voice came from, where I saw a giant boulder coming straight for me. I quickly dodge it out of the way with my super speed. I looked back at who throw it and it was Rubble.

Rubble: I'M SO SORRY! I'M SO SORRY! I didn't mean to do it!

Bolt: Relax Rubble! Calm down. I'm fine. 

Why do I feel more shaken? Was I ever fine in the first place? If I didn't have my superpower, will I have...I'm not going to think like that. I've got this. Deep breath bolt. You got this! The sooner I learn all of my abilities, the sooner that I can go to Penny.

Bolt: So what's today's lesson?

Rubble: Lesson? Oh right your lesson! Let's get started with retrieving stuff.

Bolt: What do you mean?

Rubble: Basically, I will throw something like a boulder far away which you will bring it back. It's like playing fetch.

Bolt: Fetch? Fetch...

Fetch...that game that I used to play with Penny. I remember that I used to play that game when I was younger.

Flashback POV 

(Side note: Penny couldn't understand Bolt in the movie, so I'm keeping it like that.  This might be confusing to people since Ryder could understand Bolt and the gang. Also, keep in mind that Callie was not able to talk, the copycat had the meteor in order to talk, and the wildcat can talk naturally.  I don't get the logic either. Let's just say that Bolt and the gang could be heard in the adventure bay world and nowhere else.)

Penny: Come on bolt! Let's play fetch!

Bolt: Arf Arf! (Translation: Coming! )

Penny:  (Toss a nearby branch far away)

Bolt: Arf Arf! (Translation: Got it!)

I ran back to Penny with the branch in my hands. I see Penny with some men talking. I slowly walk up to them.

Penny: Oh! Good boy! Fetch bolt!

I quickly ran to where the branch and look back to see if she was watching me. She was still talking to them. Who are they? What do they want with her?

Rubble POV

Um...he isn't usually like this. Did something to him?

Rubble: You okay Bolt?

He said nothing to me. He must be zoning out right now.

Rubble: Bolt? Bolt!

Bolt: W-what? Yeah, Rubble?

Rubble: Are you okay?

Bolt: Yeah, just worried about her. 

Rubble: I can feel your pain. 

Bolt looked at me with a face that only pups and dogs can recognize.

Rubble: I know what it's like to be away from your owner at times. You always wanted to check up with her to see if they are doing fine. You always wanted to be by their side in case anything happened to them. In the end, they became stronger because of you no matter how far you are from one another. Like right now, you are becoming stronger and so will she. Trust me.

Bolt had a teary face which I just pat on his back. I started to cry too, but it didn't last long. Bolt then proceeded to hug me really hard. I guess he really needed to hear that from someone. After 5 minutes, he got up. 

Bolt: Let's do this!

I gave him a cool guy nod. Now the train can really begin. I throw a boulder pretty far into the woods. He quickly ran over to where I throw the boulder. It took about 5-minutes before he came back...wet. 

Bolt: Great shot. I had to dive into the water in order to get the boulder. 

We both just laughed it off and continued training. After a while, it was now Zuma's turn. I told Bolt that we are switching teachers. He nodded and I went inside to get Zuma. Oh hey, food!

Zuma POV

(Side note: I'm not going to worry about Zuma's speech impediment if you could call like that. It's going to be tedious making every r into a w. He might as well be British. No offense. )

Zuma: You want a bot'o of wo'ew? 

Bolt: A what?

Zuma: Sorry, I had something in my throat. Do you want some water?

Bolt: Yeah.

I told him to come inside and take a quick break for before heading over to the beach. I wonder if he's doing well.  After about 20 minutes, we took my hovercraft down to the beach. 

Bolt: So what are we doing here?

Zuma: How well can you swim?

Bolt: What is swimming?

Where did this dude come from? I have never seen a pup, err dog that cannot swim at all. I told him what swimming is for 5 minutes.

Zuma: Let's see what you got. 

I watch him go into the water. So far so...good? Why is he coming back? I can tell that he's afraid. I have never seen anyone that afraid of water besides Rocky. I should comfort him.

Bolt: Stop! I-I need to do this alone.

Zuma: Are you sure?

Bolt: Trust me.

I stood back and just watch him. What does he plan to do?

Bolt POV

I need to remember. I need to remember her. 

Penny: Remember Bolt. You got this! You were never afraid to face the challenges ahead. I believe in you. Never forget that I still love you.

Heh, I love you too Penny. Thank's for believing in me. Let's do this!

To be continued...

P.S. I feel really bad for leaving you all like this. I know for a fact whether y'all have been waiting, or not. I will try my best to post as much as I can. For right now, here is some nostalgia. 

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