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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, after Bolt's vicious fight with Rocky his next target was the Contractor. It didn't take too long for the Contractor release Rocky from his will in which Bolt pick up on. Bolt tries to get Rocky back on his feet, but Rocky knew that he has to face the Contractor alone. Bolt with a tear left Rocky in pursuit for the man himself. Bolt was now in the end game. The end starts...NOW!!!

Bolt was now currently in front of a huge metal door that look like it could towards a boss battle.

Bolt: (Deep breath) (To himself) This is it Bolt...the all in my paws. Bolt to the rescue, faster than lightning!!!

Bolt pauses as he realized what he just said.

Bolt: (To himself) Man that felt corny. Is that really what the other pup says when they get chosen or something? 

Bolt shrugged off the thoughts as he open the metal doors with his super strength. Bolt accidently broken the doors.

Bolt: Whoops.

Bolt enters inside and sees an elevator. Bolt pressed a button in which the elevator opened up. Bolt went inside and press the button that lead towards the top floor. The elevator begin to move, but not in a way he expects. It was as if there were people moving the elevator he was on. The elevator was then brought to a stop. A ding can be heard from the elevator as it opened up. Bolt's suspicious turned out to be true as he was now standing in front of bars with the Contractor in front of him along with his goons. 

Bolt: YOU!!!

Contractor: Bolt! Our movie star is finally here. Now we can really begin the show. 

More parts of the elevator are being remove revealing Bolt inside of a cage that was similar to the cage he saw with the others. Bolt got up to the glowing bars to get as close as he can to the Contractor. 

Bolt: This isn't over Contractor!

Contractor: I think otherwise. Now be a good boy and sit as I take over your mind. 

Bolt: Over my dead body.

Bolt grabbed the bars and tries to break them.

Contractor: Haven't you heard dog? These bars nullify your powers thanks to your...meteor.

The Contractor stands aside to reveal the meteor with a bunch of tubes hook onto it. 

Bolt: !!! 

Contractor: Glorious isn't it? 

Bolt: I will stop you! 

Contractor: What makes you so sure?

Bolt: Because I have something that you don't.

Contractor: Let me guess your friends or family? I know the whole spiel.

Bolt: ...Well...that and one other thing...

Contractor: Which is?

Bolt backs up and gets into position as the Contractor watch to see where this is going. Bolt takes a deep breath. Bolt closes his eyes and thinks about everything. Bolt thought about his time as a movie star where Penny was right besides her. 

Penny: Bolt...speak

The words echo though Bolt's mind as he opens his eyes.


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